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The morning sun bathed the city streets in a warm glow as Trisha embarked on her typical journey to the office. The day had started like any other, full of tasks and goals. Maneuvering her two-wheeler through the familiar streets, she felt the rhythm of the city envelop her.

Approaching an intersection, her heart quickened as the traffic light transitioned from green to yellow and then to red, signaling a complete stop. Trisha gently applied her brakes, but before she could come to a full stop, the screeching of tires filled the air.

In an instant, her world collided with chaos. A vehicle behind her, failing to stop in time, collided with the back of her two-wheeler. Metal crunched, and Trisha's world spiraled into a whirlwind of noise and motion.

When the world finally settled, Trisha found herself dazed and disoriented, her right knee throbbing with pain. She could hear concerned voices around her. She reached for her phone and dialled her parents' number with trembling hands.

"Mom, I've been in an accident," she said, her voice trembling with fear and discomfort. "My right knee is hurt. Please come quickly. Near the circle."

Amidst the shock and the confusion, the driver of the vehicle that had hit her hurriedly helped her park her damaged two-wheeler to the side of the road.

Despite the intense pain and the distressing situation, Trisha displayed remarkable patience, waiting for nearly 30 minutes until her father and sister arrived at the scene.

When they finally arrived, they carefully helped her off her two-wheeler and, with utmost care, took her to the nearest hospital. The pain in her right knee intensified during the brief journey. 

Upon arrival at the hospital, Trisha was admitted for a thorough examination. She lay on a hospital bed, her knee aching, and her right hand bandaged. Tears welled up in her eyes as she called her manager, Ritvik, to apprise him of her situation.

"Hello, Ritvik," Trisha's voice was trembling yet resolute. "I've been in an accident, and I'm currently at the hospital. My right knee is injured, and I'll require some time for recovery. I wanted to inform you that I won't be able to make it to the office for a while."

Ritvik's voice on the other end conveyed genuine concern. "Trisha, I'm so sorry to hear that. Your health is our primary concern. Take all the time you need to heal, and don't worry about work. We'll manage everything here. Your well-being comes first."

Trisha concluded the call with a sigh of relief. As she lay in the hospital bed, mentally cursing the Universe for it. She did not want to take a break from work, especially when she had just joined the firm.

She also felt bad about cancelling her weekend plans. Must this happen on a Friday morning, she thought. 

As she came back home from the hospital, she saw a couple of messages from her teammates asking about her well-being.

"Hello?" Trisha's voice was soft, her tone reflecting the discomfort she must have been feeling.

Divyanka's relief was palpable as she heard her friend's voice. "Trisha, it's me, Divyanka. How are you feeling?"

Trisha's voice held a mix of gratitude and discomfort. "Divyanka, I'm hanging in there. It's been quite a day."

Divyanka could sense the strain in her friend's voice and wished she could be there in person to offer comfort. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, Trisha. We're all here for you. Do you need anything?"

As Divyanka continued to express her concern and support, Vivek, who had been sitting nearby, overheard the conversation. 

"Wait, Trisha, which hospital are you in? Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm back home guys, don't worry," she replied. "I probably won't be coming office for a while. Keep me posted about work."

"Don't worry about work, Trisha," said Divyanka. "Rest and take care."


2 days later. . . 

Dr. Rahil Patel moved through the hospital's well-lit corridors, his white coat billowing gently as he made his rounds. The soft hum of activity surrounded him as he checked on his patients, ensuring their well-being and recovery. He made detailed notes and conferred with the nursing staff to ensure the best care possible.

After attending to a few patients, Rahil stepped into the hospital's central hub, where doctors often congregated during their short breaks. The hub was a place where medical professionals could briefly escape the intensity of their duties and catch their breath.

In this brief respite, Rahil spotted his senior, Dr. Narang, hunched over a desk, engrossed in medical records. He approached her, giving a quick but informative report on his patients' progress. Dr. Narang nodded approvingly. He took his leave and began walking towards the cafeteria. 

As Rahil took a moment to collect his thoughts, he noticed a familiar face from a distance. Divyanka and Vivek, accompanied by their seniors Yukti and Nakul, were also in the hospital. They had come for work-related matters, possibly tied to their cybersecurity project at Careline Hospital.

Rahil greeted them with a warm smile, his concern for Trisha evident in his eyes. "Divyanka, Vivek, it's good to see you both. How's everything going? And, where's Trisha?"

"She got into an accident on Friday on her way to work," said Divyanka. 

Vivek chimed in; his worry evident. "Yes, she's been injured, especially her right knee."

"I'm really sorry to hear that," Rahil said, his voice soothing. "How is she doing now?"

Divyanka explained the situation, detailing Trisha's injuries and her ongoing recovery process.

"Please let Trisha know," Rahil said, "that she can contact me if she ever needs any medical assistance or guidance. I'm here to help in any way I can."

"Will do, thanks Rahil," said Divyanka.

After saying bye to his new friends, Rahil, in particular, took a moment to gather his thoughts. The concern for Trisha lingered in the back of his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a strong urge to call and check on her. But the demands of his role as a doctor beckoned him back to the present moment.

Just as he was about to reach for his phone, Doctor Sahni, his colleague, called out to him. "Rahil, we need you in the OR. We've got an emergency operation."

Rahil nodded his head and followed Doctor Sahni.


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