His Rules

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Jin's POV -

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Jin's POV -

I entered the classroom, greeted the Professor and students. As usual, some spoiled brats were drooling over me and why not as I'm World Wide Handsome. I wanted to show my laugh, but no I controlled it.

"So class, here I takes my leave. You guys don't trouble him."
Professer took his belongings and came towards me.

"All the best, Mr. Kim."
He patted my shoulder while giving me positive smile and I returned it with small smile and nod.

I came towards teacher's desk and put my books on it and moved to center.

"So, as you all my name already.
But I would still like to give my full introduction."
I lean over the first desk and there those girls were already staring me. So I again came to my previous position and stood straight.

"My name is Kim Seokjin, you can call me Professor Kim. I'm you're new Science teacher. They're few necessities you've to follow in my class and those are-
1) Don't be late.
I don't like latecomers in my class. If you're late, then you're not allowed in my class.
2) Complete your work in given time.
I won't give you extra time, so you better complete all the things on time. And if you failed to do some, ready to face consequences.
3) Don't make excuses.
I hate excuses and liars.
4) Be attentive in my class.
I would stop at any point and ask you questions related the topic, I taught you. If you couldn't able to answer it, you would be throw out of the class immediately.
5) I take surprise test on anyday.
So you should always revise the previous lectures before coming to the next class.
6) Not gossips in running class.
I don't like any kind of disturbance during my class.

Last but not least.

You can come to me with your doubts anytime. I don't mind it.
I hope you understood these things and would follow them, right?"
I raise my eyebrow.

"Yes sir."
They replied together and I smiled.

"Now, would you like to give me yours introduction?"
I fold my sleeves a bit.

One of the girl being so excited.

"Will start from first row."
I announced and could see her disappointed face as I ignored her.

One by one they gave me their introduction, till it reach to fifth bench of last row.

A girl, of quite short in height maybe she would hardly reach below my chest stood up.

"My name is Cha Y/N.
I'm 18 years old."

"18? God damn, her figure don't say it."
I thought in my mind.

And the class went like this.
I asked them to submit their project to the monitor of the class.

I and Yun submitted our project to our monitor and I was about to leave from there until she heard someone calling her.

Our monitor, Chaeyoung, called me.

I turned toward her.

"Yn, would you do me a favour?"
She asked.

"What happened?"
I asked her.

"Would you please take these project to Mr. Kim's cabin, I'm getting late my mom is not fine. So I have to reach home fast."
She insisted.

She cutted me and begged again.

"Please, Yn."

I smiled.

"Down stairs left room, is Mr. Kim's office."
She shouted while leaving with her bag.

I asked Yun to help me with these, but that girl ran to canteen.

"I guess, now I had no option left."
I packed my stuff, put my bag on my shoulder and took them in my hands.

I reached Mr. Kim's cabin, but to make sure, I checked the name plate.

"Let's go."
I said to myself before locking the door.

"Come in."
A deep voice replied.

I went inside. He didn't saw me as he was busy with typing something on his laptop.

"Keep them their."
He ordered, still totally focused on his work. I was above to keep them on the place where he wanted but his voice interrupted me.

"Cha Y/N?"
He frown his brows and there I drop the project on the ground.

I mumbled to myself.

He mentioned as he stood up from his chairs and came to my direction. He and I took the projects one by one and kept them on the desk. Now the last one was remaining, I put my hand over it followed by his hand over mine.

I felt goosebumps.

His eyes catched mine.

"Sorry sir."
I was about to leave my hand but he grip on it and hesitantly looked him and there he came closer to my face. I gasped.

"Damn, how plumpy his lips are."
I thought in my mind.

"It's ok."
He whispered. Still holding my hands.

I hissed as he tighten his hold over my hand.

He backed up.

"Where is Chaeyoung?"
He raise his brows.

"Sir she have some emergency so she left earlier and asked me to submit you these."
I explained.

"Ok, you may leave."
He ordered.

"Thankyou sir."
I bowed and came out.

"Aish, he was so intimidating."
I put my hand over my chest.

"Let's run from here, Y/N."
I rushed outside. I got a text from Yun that she already left.

"Shit, now I have to go alone."
I mumbled.

"Did you said something, Miss Y/N?"
A strong came from my back, turned around to see and it's him, a tall figure, Mr. Kim.

"Uh? Nothing sir."
I assured him with small smile.

"Don't you want to go home?"
He asked. I nodded my head.

"Come let me drop you, then."
He commanded while grabbing his car keys.

"No sir, thankyou."
I replied.

"I ain't taking your permission Miss Y/N. I'm asking you to come with me."
He again commanded.

"Aish, you can't reject it."
I said to myself and followed him.

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