Fuck you

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"Uncle, I'm your elder son-in-law."



My alarm clock rang, I woke up and went out from my bed and did my morning routine as I've to go school today. Last night was super fun, dad had invited our boyfriends to dinner. We drink and enjoyed a lot. Dad was emotional as his girls were growing fast and finally going to have their life partners. He was requesting them to take care of us, forever. Even though, he didn't seem to sad, I know, how he would've felt inside his heart after all, he raised us for his whole life.

I packed my bag and walked down. Dad had already made some noddles for me. He was quite, so I too didn't initiate the conservation, maybe he would be end up more emotional.

I, Yun and her boyfriend reached to school, as her boyfriend is very talkative, she didn't asked me any questions about my this long leave from school, also when Jin, Professor Kim had also took leave, well he's gonna join back to on his work, too.

Our lectures started and finally we got lunch break. Yun and I went to our canteen with our tiffin. I guess, now she's gonna asked me. And if she didn't, then I'm gonna tell her, afterall she's my bestie.

"What happened Y/N, where were you these days? This something bad happened?"
As I knew, she asked me, already.

"Um... Actually, Professor... Professor Kim and I... I mean, we... We were dating-"
I stuttered to say it.

I heard, one of our classmates listened me.

"We need to inform our queen."
They ran to one of the biggest fan girl of Seokjin.

"Out of the universe, he selected you?"
She sarcastically spatted.

I replied.

"Maybe he's just using her as his pleasure toy?"

"No, maybe she needs money, that's why taking his dick in her mouth?"

"Maybe she seduced him?"

"She might hit him at first?"

"She must've begged for his cock?"

"Her pussy might be licking?"

"Maybe, she knows how to get his cock stand for her?"

"This bitch, can't even give him blowjob."

"But, he might fuck her."

"I bet, she begged him to fuck her."

"She's so shameless."

"Dating her professor."

"No, having sex with him."

"Who's almost double of her age."

"Only sugar daddy relationship exist between age gaps."

"Not love."

"Only sexual."

"He's using her for his needs, Desire."

"He'll throw her out when he's bored of her small ass."

All of their comments, made me soak my tears. I couldn't even open my mouth to reply them. My eyes were already watering. My heart felt pang. Yun felt it and she immediately grabbed my hands to left the place.

"She don't need to give explanation to you, bitches."
She cursed and took me to the playground of the school. I embraced her and cried my heart.

I was about to say, when she kept her finger on my lips, saying.

"I know, yours and Professor Kim's love is true!"
She exclaimed and let me calm down myself.


It was our final semester examination, then I'll be going for higher education degree. All these time, I was very focused on my studies. About Jin, he too started doing his job with all his focus. We promised my dad, that we won't be doing anything before I come my studies. And we have decided that no physical intimacy till then, yet we text messages to eachother or sometimes invite eachother on dinner and spent our moments.



I woke up, it's my first day of college, I'm so excited. I opened my phone and blushed reading a message from Seokjin.

All the best my baby, love you!

I did my morning routine and from now on, no more those mini skirts, wearing jeans and hoodie!

I went downstairs and prepared breakfast for me and dad. Yes, from now on, I'll be cooking in our home.

"So are you excited?"
Dad took a sip from his tea and asked me.

"Very much."
I giggled making him chuckled.

"Did you informed, Jin?"
Dad asked, as today he gonna drive me to the college. And nodded in yes and left with my stuff after binding goodbyes to him. I heard a horn of car, he arrived. I rushed outside and there he's.

Tall, lean, pale figure. Jeans and matching tshirt with those fluffy hairs. World wide handsome face, plumpy, thick, pink, juicy lips with full of moisture. His dark black eyes and those perfect fine facial expressions. His diamond rotex watch on his wrist with white shoes.

No way, he can't be 30!

I went towards him and obviously, he engulfed me in his board arms. I smelled his perfume, it's my favourite one.

"How's my baby?"
He cupped my cheeks before placing a soft peck on my forehead. I nodded in yes. He squished my cheeks pecking them too.

"You must be in hard time, right?"
I asked me, we were in the car, going to my university. I know, he might be masterbating. My eyes falls on his long palms which was holding the steering wheel of car.

He might be using his hands, to jerk my lord!

"Just the last day of your university, I would fuck you the whole night."


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