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"No bro, we won't ever bunk in her whole life."


Jin's POV-

My heart sank in my stomach, eyes widened, a guilt felt over me when I heard them talking about it. I messed up, so badly, shit. I took the whole blame on my baby, without even giving her chance to explain herself. Wait, I asked her but she didn't replied. I mean she didn't uttered a single word from her mouth, whole time I was scolding her in my rap. I dashed out of there and those students flinched due to my sudden appearance.

"Professor Kim."
I heard Yun, calling me, but I'm going to ignore her completely. Grabbing my coat, keys and briefcase and ran outside the parking spot of the school, took my car and drive to her residence.

I feel so bad right now, she must be hurted, but don't worry, I will make it up anyways. I drive with high speed, being teacher, I know that I'm breaking driving rules. I reached where I used to drop her whenever I asked her to take a ride with me. But, I don't know which is her home. Here, every home looks same. I came out from car after parking it on safe place. I don't even know her parents name. Let's see if they can guess her by her name. I found a security guard standing near the gate.

"Um... Excuse me sir, did you know where Cha Y/N lives?
I'm her school Professor, Professor Kim, actually she forgot her book in school and tomorrow there's a exam on this subject, so can you please guide me her home?"
I showed him my identity card with a book and lied totally.
He smiled means, he got it.

"B wing, 7th floor, left side with the name plate of Dr. Cha Hyuk, she's his daughter."
He replied, what my baby's father is doctor?
I smiled, bowed and left to go on the address he guided me. In elevator, would she's forgive me? Would she ever talk with me? The negative thoughts were all roaming in my mind. The elevator opened and came out of it. Taking my moves towards left side, I got that name plate. I deep breath before pressing the door bell.


I reached the home, changed my clothes, dad and Eunhee unnie still have time to come home. I freshen up and get into kitchen to have something to eat, since I didn't ate lunch, so now I'm bit more hungry. I made two packets of instant ramen with topping some cheese on it. I served it myself hot with some coke which was left in refrigerator since that sleepovers. I came into living room, turned on our television as I don't have any charge in my phone so have to watch television only. I started eating and relaxing until I was about to eat the last bite, I heard bell.

Who will be this time?
Let's go check it. I opened the door and shocked with the person standing over it.

"Didn't you scolded me enough at school, now what's?"
I blunted being pissed off by him.

"Is this away you greet your guests?"
He said simply.

"A guest like you, is greeted like this only."
I cocked back.

"Ok, a guest like me don't need invitation to come."
He pushed me aside and entered in. I mean how can he do that?
I closed the door and came inside where he was already eating my last bite and drinking my remaining coke.

I whined while stomping my feet and giving a angry look but soon it changed into kind as he smiled with his tired face. He works very hard.

"Sorry, I was hungry, I didn't have breakfast or lunch either."
He's tiring face and look gave the proof that he didn't ate anything.

"Wait, I get you bowl of ramen."
I somehow melted and offered him ramen.

"No, I'm ok, I just want to apologise you."
He stood up from his seat and talk closer to me.

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