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"I fucked with him, like I'm his toy."



I cried and cried hard. My heart clutching with pain, hatred and betrayed. I hugged Eunhee unnie and let my tears falls. She was continuously patting my head. What I did to deserve this pain?

"Y/N, stop crying please, it will affect your health."
She cupped my face.

"Unnie, now, I'll get title of home wrecker, slut and whore, right?"
I sobbed hard.

"No, no, way, I won't let anyone to point a finger on you, I promise."
She rubbed my wet cheeks.

"I think, dad, came, you go in your room and sleep."
She then, send me to upstairs in my room. I came and throw myself on bed. Without even trying, tears were already flowing through my eyes.


"Welcome dad."
Eunhee greeted him and offered him glass of water.

He placed himself on the couch.

"When did you came?"
He asked her while drinking water.

"Before half an hour."
Eunhee replied.

"Where is Y/N, didn't she came from school?"
Dad asked Eunhee.

"Yes, she came, but sleeping in her room."
Eunhee tried to make him.

"Oh, I'll too go and freshen up."
He said and left.

It was almost night and their dinner time.

"Eunhee, Y/N still didn't woke up?"
He asked, serving the food.

"Dad, actually she's on her days, so she said that she doesn't have appetite, but you don't worry. After our dinner, I will take a bowl of warm soup to her."
Eunhee ensure him.


I didn't know when I slept, I checked the time, I guess unnie and dad might had breakfast by this time. I heard a door knob twisted and Unnie came inside. She had my favourite soup with her.

"How are you feeling, now?"
She placed it on the nightstand and asked me while sitting on the bed.

"I myself don't know."
I laid my back on the headboard on the bed and checked my phone.

I cursed.

"What happened?"
She asked, feeling my expressions.

"He's continuously calling me and texting me, should I block him?"
I had my own suggestion.

"Y/N, please don't take any decision without knowing it's different sides."
She grabbed my hand in her.

"The decision is yours ofcourse, you should see that you won't get hurted by it in future. You shouldn't have regrets like you should have thought before doing it. I will still suggest you, to give him a chance to explain himself. Let him, give answers to your question and then decide. And once you decide my sister, please be emphatic on it."
She explained me.

"Now, drink this and sleep, you've to go school tomorrow."
She pecked my cheeks and left. I think what unnie had said is to important. Should I give him a chance to explain himself. But what if he lied again this time?

Next morning,

I woke up due to alarm and did my morning routine, wore my uniform packed my bag and came downstairs to have breakfast. Dad was having coffee and reading newspaper.

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