WWH Shoulders

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"Be ready for Honeymoon, babygirl."



What did he just said? Honeymoon? My gosh, I better run from here. I went outside of the class and very well know that he must be laughing his ass out to see my burning cheeks and embarassed face. Yun came and we went on the way to home.

"Finally, after so many days we aren't going home together."
She states, yes from when this Kim has came into my life, I didn't get any chance to go back home with my friend due to all his punishment and detention.

"Y/N, let's eat cotton candy."
Yun excited cause she loves cotton candy, I did smile when she points out that stall like a small child, getting no replies from me she pouted and showed me pretty please eyes to which I end up nodding my head.

"One pink and one purple."
She ordered to that man, her favourite flavour of pink and mine is purple. After getting that candies, we thought to sit on the one of the benches near the roadside to enjoy it. Yun, even had some snaps of us to post on her social accounts.

A pair of local side rowdies were staring at us from long time and giving us uncomfortable stares, I was closing my legs tightly as my skirts was constantly going up from wind. My heartbeats started increasing and body was sweating as they're coming closer to us.

"Oh darling, share with us too."
They suddenly grabbed both of us from each side and we were squeezing between them.

"No, bro, when we have this pretty real candy, then why to go for this one."
One of them, runs a finger on my cheeks and I feel so disgusted.

"Lea-leave us."
I stuttered, while speaking as he kept touching mine on uncomfortable places. I asked Yun, who was very busy in enjoying her candy.

"Finish yours too."
She demand to me. I asked taking slow bites and almost finished it.

"Eat, eat, babies then we'll eat you too."
They talked to eachother and said to us. I and Yun, finally ended our candies. I turned towards Yun, and a strong kick was kept on the boy who was my side. Yun was looking so fierce, her hairs flying with air and her leg on his face. That poor boy didn't knew that she's martial arts champion.

Yun winked me and I nodded before giving a solid punch on the boy over her side. That poor boy didn't knew that I'm boxing champion. Both of landed on their butts on the ground. And we again kicked them, on their scrotum within a second a they release a painful groans. We both gave Hi-Fi to eachother before taking our bags and going away. Suddenly one of them, did hold Yun's neck from behind with sharp knife.

"Don't, don't move, if you don't want her to die."
One of them, who was holding her said to me. I look here and there but before I could do anything, that another boy showed a knife over me too.

"Now you will do, what we say you to do."
He said and grabbed me from there with Yun too, to the corner of the streets. I was slowly started moving my hands upwards to the boy with knife on me but instantly regrets as that other one on Yun, noticed my actions.

"Do that, and I swear I will stab with into her."
He gritted his teeths and warned me, so I was helpless.

"Get into this."
Another one said pointing towards, small black vain. I and Yun nodded our head in anticipation.

"Fast or else, you won't even get yours own body pieces for your grave."
They threatened us with increasing the gripped on our neck.

"Yun, do something."

"Y/N, do something."

Both of us didn't talked but signalled eachother at one time.

"Hey, don't you understand, what I said, do it, don't need to show yours smartness or else we will rip off your heads from your bodies."
He again threatened us and pressed the knives harshly, I feel like it going inside my skin, a small cut would form if he kept doing that.

"No, please don't do that to her."
Yun pleaded him as I was struggling under him.

He shouted in my ears and I jumped in fear. We both look at eachother before giving that helpless look and nodding to go with them. We were about to step in that small vain till we heard a familiar deep yet dead and thick, we turned around to see, already know who was he.

"Wait, where you guys are taking these beautiful girls, hmm?"

Jin's POV-

After giving a hint of what would exactly happen on picnic, I can see my baby's cheeks turning pink with feeling of embarassment. My god, why are you so cute, baby? I laugh out, the way she ran outside the class and groaned when my eyes fall of these bunches of file to do. Then only pay the teachers to taught the students, then why do they give these other works to us. It's so unfair. Anyways, I've to check them and make a sheet of report accordingly. So, Mr. World Wide Handsome, get back on work or else that Principal would kick your ass out.

Finally after making the sheet for 10th time without any mistakes was completely done and ready. I took them around my arms and make my way to his office.

"May I come in sir?"
I asked him.

"Yes Mr. Kim."
He replied, fixing his glasses. I too have glasses but I think, I would look more old to my baby, so I better use simple lenses cause as I don't have that big issues of eyes.

"Good Mr. Kim."
He said, while checking the report I made and handled him to check.

"Thankyou sir."
I replied.

"Ok, you may leave, thankyou."
Finally, I can go now. I bowed him and took my leave and came back to my cabin, to take my keys and coat with briefcase and left the school by going to parking spot.

"Baby must have reached till now."
I checked my watches as she had already left one hour before me, so she would've gone to her home. I get into the car and took it from the school, coming on the main streets. Wait, isn't that baby and her bestie? My eyes can't lie in case of baby. And what they are doing with those boys in the corner, behind the trees. Those boys aren't even from our school, they looks older than them, then how did they're talking, wait, is it knife in their hands. No, on their neck, what the actual hell? Seokjin gotta run to save you're babygirl.

They are forcing them to get into that vain and these girls aren't ready for it. Ohh, so they're rowdies, I saw their faces.

"Excuse me?"
I asked, gaining their attention to me.

"Wait, where you guys are taking these beautiful girls, hmm?"
I raise my eyebrows to them and said, the girls turn around to see me.

"Hey, who are you?"
One of them thrown a death glare to me.

"Yours dad, kindly put that knives off or else-"
I was about to say when he suddenly barks in.

"Ohh we're scared, huh? Or else?"
He showed his yellow teeths. I ran closer to him, before lifting him on my wwh shoulders.

"Or else, when my these well built shoulder will come in help?"


A/NOne or two more parts, then we gotta go on picnic moon

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One or two more parts, then we gotta go on picnic moon.
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