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I don't think this is a good book but I wanna see it u guys like it this is my first book and if u have feedback feel free to say in the comments😄😄😄
Oh I also changed the prophecy a bit hope u like the story


    Percy's heart filled with joy as the Argo 2 came into view on the horizon.

'Hazel,Frank come on!' He shouted , as he saw the white " we come on peace" flag flying from the ships mast.
'Reyna are you sure Turminus is OK with them hovering over the city?' He asked.
'No' Reyna replied 'but he won't kill them if that reassures you'
As if on queue he heard Turminus yell
' If thos grecus scum destroy our city I will personally kill you preator!'
'Okay' Percy said

Percy watched as the crew of the Argo 2 decended a rope ladder into the forum.
Percy furrowed his brow, only three people climbed down and Annabeth wasn't one of them.

'What's wrong?'Hazel asked 'You are all white.'
'I'm fine, just... tired' he replied .
Hazel didn't look convinced , but that didn't matter. 'Greeks!' Reyna addressed them 'welcome to New Rome!'
Percy noticed that Reyna was eyeing the blonde dude,Jason maybe.., like she expected him to hug her or something. 
Of course , Percy thought ,Reyna had liked Jason for years.

'Um... guys ? Percy said 'Where is Annabeth?'

The girl from the ship looked down. She was a pretty girl with brown choppy hair and eyes that seem to be constantly changing.

'I'm so sorry Percy!'she said , her voice breaking.
No, Percy thought, she has to be okay.
' Is she hurt or still at camp or...?'Percy asked quickly
'She was taken' Jason said ' By who or what we don't know.'
Percy felt a lump form in his throat.
Would they look for her on the quest? he thought.
Hazel hugged him and answered his silent question.
'We'll look for her , I promise '

'Well atleast we now what the Las two lines of the prophecy mean.' Percy tried to sound up beat but it failed miserably.

'Seven half-bloods shall answer the call'Frank recited' the three Greeks...Piper...Leo and Annabeth if i got those named right.'
' And Jason ,Frank ,Hazel ,and me' Percy finished.
'To storm ,Jason, or fire,Leo, the world must fal.'Piper thought aloud
'An oath to keep with a final breath, foes bear armes to the doors of death. Meaning Greeks and Romains.'Jason continued.
'One shall be taken in ones own domain ,meaning Annabeth would be kidnapped from her home ,camp half-blood, right?'
'And to be retrieved shall face great pain.'Percy ended looking downcast.

How dare anyone take Annabeth,how dare they hurt her.

'I swear on the river styx to save Annabeth no matter how hard it is!'

'Um...dude , you know if you break that oath.....' Leo said.
'Do you think that i would EVER..!'

'Okay' Piper intervened 'I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry and I think we could all do with a meal.'
Piper looked pleasingly at Reyna as if to say:

'Help me before they kill eachother!'

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