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Annabeth woke up to shouting. Then she realised that she was bound and gagged. As her eyes adjusted to the light she realised she was in the back of a van.

One of the people in the front said:
'Hurry up before they leave!'

Annabeth recognised that voice, it was Pipers ex head of the Aphrodite cabin, Drew.

Had Drew kidnapped he to get back at Piper or was it something worse. With her luck it was probably the second one.

She heard something about some giants and that Drew would be payed.Then she heard 'the twin giants'.

She racked her brain, trying to remember where she had heard that before, but it was no use.

Suddenly , the van stopped.
'Grab the girl' she heard Drew order and the door opened.
A big burly man grabbed the daughter of Athena and hauled her out out of the van.

Annabeth was put into a dark room with a door and one small window.
Maybe, she thought, if I could pry it open...

Drew voice cut through her thoughts.
'They should be here soon.'
'Why are we doing this?' The man's voice asked.
'Shut up Dad , it's none of your business. 'she snapped back.
So the big man was Drews father.
'But she seems so nice and kidnapping is against the law...'
'Dad!'she screamed ' Gaia promised to spare our family and give us power if we handed the girl over to the giants. Plus she's a stuck up know it all who is friends with that McLean.'
'Yeah but still...' her father questioned
'That is it!End of discussion!'Drew yelled ' You are ruining this for me , I was enjoying this so shut up!.'

Annabeth heard the charmspeak in her voice.Then she heard footsteps coming in her direction.

'Hello,Annabeth ' Drew said smugly
'The giants should be here in about two minutes, so don't even think about escaping because if you do ,those giants will hunt you down and kill you.'

'!'Annabeth grunted, trying to speak.
'Oh you want to talk daughter of Athena.'Drew bragged 'Okay.'

She ripped the tape of Annabeths mouth. It burned but she wasn't going to give Drew the satisfaction of showing it.

'What are you doing Drew!' she said, her voice firm,'You know Gaia won't honor her promise.'
'I don't care either way!' the stupid girl replied,'I still get to kidnap you.'
'This is stupid!'
'You will be the bait!'Drew went on , ignoring Annabeths last comment,'and your Perceus Jackson shall die trying to save you!'

Annabeths blood went cold. The giants were going to kill Percy.
Annabeth clenched her fists.

Then a noise made Drew stop bragging and she went to see what it was.

'Ah' she said'Right this way sirs.'

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