3 Percy

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Percy wished he had an appetite because the Romains had prepared a huge feast.

Percy's friends kept giving him concerned looks so he presumed that he looked miserable.  The brown haired girl,Piper, from the Argo 2 looked at Percy and said:

'Don't worry about her if you are her boyfriend you should know better than me that Annabeth can handle herself.'

'Yeah, I guess' He muttered 'I just miss her so much. The only thing that kept me going on my quest was knowing that I could see her again if we succeeded.'

'That's so sweet,' Piper replied.

'That's what Aphrodite said to me two years ago when I told her that I had dreams about Annabeth when she went missing.'

'Great' Piper said 'now I sound like Mom.'

'Oh , she's your Mom?'

'Yep, unfortunately,' she glared at the sky.

'You know 'Percy said looking into the distance, When I woke up a week ago I lost memory ,all of it, but I had one name left in my mind.'

'Who was it?'Piper asked

'Annabeth,' He said dreamily

Across the table he heard Reyna say:

'Enough!Octavian these are our guests!'

'But they're Greeks! Octavian complained like a 6 year old.

'Leo,' Jason nudged him ' why don't you go show Octavian the ship?'

'Yes!' Reyna agreed 'go on.'

'Sure Sparky!' Leo said.

'Don't call me Sparky Leo,'Jason complained good naturedly (sp? I don't even know if it's a word but oh well).

'Kay 'Leo replied 'come on Octavian.'

Octavian left the table reluctantly.
Then Percy realised that Reynas Metal dogs Orum and Argentum (sp?) were by her side.

'How are your dogs doing after the attack?' Percy asked.

'Fine, thanks for asking.'

'You look exhausted.'

'Yeah well it's not easy being in charge.' she sighed.

Just then a huge explosion came from the senete (sp?) house .

'How could you!' Reyna cried 'You have betrayed us!'

'No!' Piper protested 'we would never!'

Frank and Hazel glared at them.

'Yeah well your friend seems to have other ideas!'Frank shouted.

'Reyna!' Percy yelled over the noise of screaming 'I promise that none of us here would ever destroy New Rome!'

'You're not lying,'Reyna sounded surprised.

'How do you know?' Piper asked

'Because if you were my dogs would have already killed you.'


'Hazel,Frank come abord with us!Please we need you on this quest' Percy reasoned.

'Fine but if that friend of yours...'

'He's not my friend'

Frank turned into a dragon and carried the four of them to the deck.

Luckily , Octavian was back on the ground.

Leo was at the control board fireing the balliste.

'Leo!' Piper squeaked 'What are you doing!'

Leo turned around his eyes were golden glazed over and said:

'Must... Destroy... Them!'

But it wasn't Leo's voice.

'Leo!' Piper sounded scared..., so she shaped him in the face. Whatever she did must have worked though because Leo immediately went back to normal.

'What...Happened?' Leo asked groggily, like he'd just woken up.

'Leo' Jason said 'Let's get out of here!'

Percy decided to have a nap.


He was in a room.Two giants were conversing and Annabeth was tied up in a corner.

'Shush!' the first giant said'We have company.'

'Perceus Jackson!' they said

'We have your girlfriend and if you do not save her in seven days time, she will die.'

'Hey!'the second one shouted ' That was my line.'

'No, it was mine.'


'It doesn't matter!'

'Come to Rome in 7 days and you shall find her any later and you won't like the outcome.

word count = 602 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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