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After all the fun we had, we all left home. I took Jenny home safe and sound and I went straight to mine.

"Danny, may I please talk to you?" I heard my dad ask. I walk to his office and sat down on the chair in front of him. He had a letter on his hand and he was reading it with his radio glasses, "How come you never told me you had a girlfriend?" He asked putting the paper on his desk.

"I've tried telling you, but you are always busy working." I told him. He shook his head and spun the chair to wear his computer was, he wasn't facing me anymore, "This is what I mean!" I said getting up and slammed his door shut.

"Joseph!" I heard him yell, but I ignored him and went to my room. I heard him call again but I just locked my door, now I'll make him feel just how he makes me feel. Ignored. Then I went on my phone and scrolled down to find Paul's number. I called him.

I think its happening. I said almost in tears.

Are you even sure?

They haven't talked to me about it, bit I keep getting some feeling that it is.

Don't say that Danny. If they haven't told you anything, then it might not happen.

I believe so Paul, well I got to go.

Call me if they tell you one of these days.

Alright. I said and hanged up.

I've been thinking lately, about the future. What will happen, or what it may cause. I feel like my head is about to explode. Should I talk to my parents, or should I wait for them to talk to me? I layed down on my bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I want answers and I want them answered. I got up and walked to the the front of my house door. As I was about to turn the knob I heard my mom say, "Where are you going, at night?"

"I'm just going to get fresh air." I said walking out and ignored what she said next. I walked down the street and found a glass bottle. I picked it up and threw it and heard it shatter. I did not know why I was feeling this why, I just know something big is going to happen and I won't like it. I decided to go back home because I worried about my mom not knowing where I was. I opened my house door and saw my mom upset.

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked while I closed the door.

"I'm fine, just a little stressed." She smiled and I nodded and walked to my room. I looked out my window and saw Jenny reading a book. I then thought to myself, what if one day I loose her? What if all the great this we had together means nothing in the future? Now I really feel my head exploding and I felt something else too. I ran to the bathroom toilet and threw up. I washed my face after and went back to my bed, I grabbed my phone and texted Jenny,

I love you, you know that don't you?

I turn to the window and saw her put down her book and grabbed her phone. I saw her smile and texted back,

I love you too, and I know you do :)


Forever ;* she typed and grabbed her book again. I smiled and lied on my bed. I'll wait if my parents want to talk to me because I know they want to, I could tell. I closed my eyes and finally went to sleep.

I woke up on the floor, for some odd reason. I grabbed my skateboard and I decided to go to Jenny's house.

"Jenny, Danny is here. Do I send him up?" Her brother Jack yelled.

"Yes!" I heard him yell back. I went upstairs and Jenny surprised me with a big and long hug.

"What's wrong?" I said grabbing her face.

"I thought something happened to you." She sighed.

"I was at home, sleeping." I smiled.

"It happened in a dream but, I don't want to talk about it." She satdown on her bed. I closed her door and sat beside her. She looked at me, and surprised me with a kiss. I kissed her back and layed her down. I heard a knock and I suddenly got up. It was Jack, as always.

"I'm going to the store to get stuff, I'll be back." He said as I heard the footsteps leave. I looked back to Jenny, "So, do you want to go to the park?" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Sure." She smiled as she grabbed the sweater I gave her and her phone. We left her house and walked to Paul's, "Isn't the park-" before she could finish her sentence I said, "I want Paul to come." I knocked on his door.

"Hey guys." He sighed sadly.

"What's wrong?" Jenny asked.

"Me and Natalie broke up, she had to move in with her dad. We can't see each other, so I decided us to split." He said grabbing a sweater.

"We we're wondering if you want to come to the park with us." I said.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do." He said as he walked out the door with his skateboard. We made our way to the park. I saw that Paul was happy and giving Jenny a piggyback ride, I'm glad that he's happy. I went to the playground slide and Paul followed. I bet Jenny thought we were idots but, we we are still kids in the inside. Jenny decided to record the whole fun time me and Paul had. After that we decided to just walk around and talk, well me and Paul skated as Jenny walked.

"You guys need help." Jenny said as she finished editing the video.

"Just because we had fun and you didn't." Paul smiled to her making her laugh.

"I have to say, that actually looked like fun." She said looking at the part when we were on the seesaw balancing with our boards. I laughed so hard that they decided to laugh with me. Jenny placed her phone in her back pocket and ran. Me and Paul looked at each other and decided to skate to her. We caught up to her and I got off.

"Do you want to ride it?" I asked her while Paul laughed.

"Sure." She said as she got on it and took of.

"Well Danny, she's better than you on something." Paul said slapping my shoulder.

"She's coming back." I said. As she came closer she stopped and almost fell.

"Are you okay babe?" I smiled.

"I'm all good." She smiled, "But we have to go."

"Why?" I asked as she pointed to a sign that said 'No Skating Zone' and I turn back an saw a security guy coming.

"Danny take my board, I'll run." He said as he ran. Me and Jenny rode passed him. At left the park, we turn and saw Paul crossing the street to wear we were.

"Now that was fun." He said as he was catching his breath.

"Agreed." I said as we started to ride the boards like Paul's pace. We went to my house and gave the board back to Paul. He said his goodbyes and gave Jenny a hug. I'm not jealous or anything because he is my best friend.

"Let's stay out here." I said sitting on my porch as she sat next to me. I looked at her and I couldn't stop.

"What?" She smiled.

"You are very beautiful, and I love you so much." I said admiring her eyes. She grabbed my face and kissed me. The kiss didn't stop until someone opened the door from my front porch.

"Danny, we have to talk to you." My dad said as Jenny hugged me a goodbye and left, "We are-"


Chapter updated !xx

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