1. Lions and tigers and ogres (oh my)

480 45 350


The amazing members of the amazing jury

A r c h i e   C o n n o r
A TV presenter, a producer, a showman, a Doctor of Physics, a multi-faceted personality. A great husband and father. A perfection of a man. Just because he is a member of the jury, this circus seems at least a little pretentious

N e s t y
A brutal muscular tattooed rapper with sweet curls and complexes about his height. I am not sure if he is super into music, but he gives some intimidation to the jury

V a l e n t i n e   H o t l i n e s
A journalist, a music critic, a Brit. A person who, after hearing just a millisecond of the most unknown song in the world, will tell you what pattern was on the socks of the person who wrote it at the time of writing. The sex symbol of the jury according to Mr. Valentine Hotlines

M i c h e l l e   L e v y
A singer. She absolutely can sing, but I am not sure she can talk. Her function is to sit between Nesty and Hotlines

Matilda Magorian

M a t i l d a   M a g o r i a n
Yesterday she was an alcoholic, today she is a TV presenter. Sometimes the plots of silly books about a dream come true!.. Oh, wait

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L i s s a   P r e s t o n
What were you supposed to do?

G l o r i a   G o r e l i k
Oh, please, stop making my life blue!
Oh, holy duckbills, Lorrie, hi!

L i s s a   P r e s t o n
I swear, I'm about to die.

G l o r i a   G o r e l i k
Don't die! It's deadly dangerous!
Need a few words about me?

L i s s a   P r e s t o n
Gorelik, God, I can foresee...

G l o r i a   G o r e l i k
Okay, I'm a screenwriter here!
And she pollutes the atmosphere.
I am a writer! A creator!

L i s s a   P r e s t o n
And we can't talk about it later.

G l o r i a   G o r e l i k
You know, I had a novel once...

L i s s a   P r e s t o n
Who noticed her rap-rapid pulse?

G l o r i a   G o r e l i k
I really hate all the publishing houses.
And as sir Hotlines says in wonderful blouses,
I'll beat off all their not wonderful trousers!
Hybrids of corgi dogs and deer
Surviving in Alaska.

L i s s a   P r e s t o n
Oh, and what's wrong with your career?!
Hey, Lorrie, Lorrie, ask her!
What? Me? Well, I'm the main director.

G l o r i a   G o r e l i k
You have no right to disrespect her!

L i s s a   P r e s t o n
Two minutes before the broadcast!
So, Lorrie, boy, stop filming us.

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M a t i l d a   M a g o r i a n
What do you, silly, want to know?
I'm here the host like of the show.
I got up very, very early
And they all tell me I am surly.
Oh, by the way, how do I look?
I should have like some kind of hook!
I'm inexperienced and worried.
And, God, I am so scared, oh, Lorrie!
What if I don't, you know, succeed?
Success is not like guaranteed!
Why am I chatting like with you?
Finish your stupid interview!

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