The amazing members of the amazing jury
A r c h i e C o n n o r
As his last meal, he would have eaten some toast with avocado jam. Although, wait, bread is bad. For his last meal, he would have chosen a broccoli smoothieN e s t y
He would have eaten some very manly meat steak, because he is very manlyV a l e n t i n e H o t l i n e s
He would have chosen homemade potatoes cooked by his mother. And red wineM i c h e l l e L e v y
As you guessed, her husband would have chosen for her. Or not?..Matilda Magorian
M a t i l d a M a g o r i a n
Vodka. Next✿ ✿ ✿
A r c h i e C o n n o r
My biggest dream?
That's what you asked me?
America, its fame, supreme...
My daughter Polly's always happy.✿ ✿ ✿
V a l e n t i n e H o t l i n e s
Why do you waste your time on rap?
Can't you do anything that's worthy?
I don't know... Sport! Of course, you're sporty!
Don't call it music. It's a crap.N e s t y
Hotlines, I'm actually a boxer.V a l e n t i n e H o t l i n e s
A boxer?
Now it makes some sense.N e s t y
I'll tell you more,
I served in army.V a l e n t i n e H o t l i n e s
In army?
You'll be my defence?N e s t y
Hotlines, not all rap is that shitty.V a l e n t i n e H o t l i n e s
But your rap is.N e s t y
Well, fine, mine is.V a l e n t i n e H o t l i n e s
My love!
Why you gave up so quickly?N e s t y
You want a fight?V a l e n t i n e H o t l i n e s
Well, just a bit.✿ ✿ ✿
A r c h i e C o n n o r
In short what's happened?
They kicked me out.
From our compartment.
I guess now they're proud.
No idea, what they are doing.
But I genuinely don't wanna find out.
They're probably smoking...
Killing themselves without a doubt.
Matilda asks me to join her.
And kinda...
Can you help me to make an excuse?
Lord, I'm feeling like such a clown...
Why on earth I cannot just refuse?!✿ ✿ ✿
N e s t y
What is my dream?
Hotlines in the army.
Hey, it's perfect!
It seems
Like his dream. No, I don't mean... No, I didn't have such an experience.
What on earth is in your shitty head?!
And I'm here trying to be serious.
And you are just mocking instead!
He could be useful in the kitchen.
I'm not sure if he's able to cook.
But it would be the best position.
For him. Have you seen how he looks?✿ ✿ ✿
L i s s a P r e s t o n
You don't sleep in the trains at all?G l o r i a G o r e l i k
I'm trying to work.L i s s a P r e s t o n
To work?
Okay, now I'm appalled.
The Pretense Festival
RomanceA mockumentary play At the Protostar show, nothing stands still. Singing, dancing, quarrelling. Twelve of the best singers in the USA will compete for an unknown prize. However, is it important? There is no honesty and justice in this world. How fa...