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I let out a sigh as I rubbed my shoulders. I heard hurried footsteps and turned to see Shanks walk in with Luffy, who had a cut under his eyes.

"Hi, (Y/n)!" Luffy called as Shanks set him down and pulled out a needle and thread.

"Shanks." I said as I glared down at him.

Shanks was trying his hardest to not look at me, and instead was working on patching up Luffy.

"Um... what is it, love?" He asked sweetly.

"What happen to Luffy's face?"

I watched as he went stiff and sweat started to stream down his face as he stared down at the grinning child.

"I don't know. I found him like this?" He said with a innocent smile.


Shanks quickly handed Luffy to Benn, before turning to look at me, his hands up.

"Okay it wasn't my fault. He grabbed a knife and-"

"You were suppose to be watching him!" I snapped.

"I was!" He yelled as he backed away from me.

"Then what happen! Why is Luffy bleeding!" I screamed as Shanks hit the wall.

"He... might have used my knife to scar his face." He said as he bit his bottom lip.

In an instant my hand came down and I smacked him over the head. He let out a yelp as he held his head.

"It wasn't even my fault!" He exclaimed as I turned and walked out of the bar.

Before I knew it, I was yelling at Shanks once again, which seemed to be our daily life.

"What do you mean you let him eat a devil fruit!" I exclaimed as I glared down at him.

"I didn't let him! He just ate it! It's not my fault he is a dumb ass!"


Shanks let out a groan as he fell to the ground holding his head, which had a bump forming.

"Don't call him a dumbass!"

"But Babe!" He yelled as I glared at him.

"Don't babe me!" I yelled as I raised my hand to hit him again.

He ran off, leaving me on the ship alone. I rolled my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose as I left to make sure that Shanks kept Luffy out of trouble. I walked into the bar and saw Shanks talking to Luffy.

"What can I say? I'm charming and irresponsible." Shanks said with a giant grin.

"You mean irresistible?" Luffy asked with a frown.

"No, no he doesn't." I said as I walked past them and plopped down beside Benn.

Benn let out a chuckle as I rubbed my temples.

"What am I going to do with him?" I asked with a sigh.

"Don't know, but you're stuck with him."

"I knew I should of picked Buggy." I growled out.

"Baby!" Shanks exclaimed as he turned to look at me, eyes wide in shock.

"I'm joking! Buggy was ten times as bad as you!" I snapped as I threw a peanut at him.

Eight hours later

I let out a sigh as I got to work on folding laundry, so far nothing bad had happened and the day seemed to be settling down; that is until I heard footsteps and turned around to see Shanks missing an arm.

"Shanks, what happen to your arm?!" I asked in shock.

His smile faded and he scratched the back of his neck.

"Um so funny story. Promise me you won't get mad." He pleaded with an innocent smile.

"Shanks..." I growled as I glared up at him.

"The sea king ate my arm when I saved Luffy's life."

"Why did you have to save Luffy's life?" I asked as I slowly walked up to him.

"Because he was kidnapped by those bandits that I got into a fight with earlier."

"Shanks!" I exclaimed as I smacked his shoulder.

"Hey! I lost my arm! I thing I have already learned my lesson-"


Shanks let out a groan as he fell to the ground, holding his head.

"I can't leave you alone with Luffy for a second!" I exclaimed as I threw my hands up into the air.

"Sorry." He grumbled out.

"Come on, let's get you patched up."

He rose to his feet and followed me to our shared quarters. I forced him to remove his shirt so I could work in bandaging his shoulder.

"Does it hurt?" I quietly asked.

"Not really, can't even feel it." He explained as I stitched him up.

"You have to be more careful, what if the next time you lose more than your arm?"

"The worse thing I can lose is my di-"

"Shanks! I'm being serious! You could have died! I could have lost you!" I yelled as I felt tears stream down my face.

"(Y/n), I'm going to die one day. Nothing will stop that, but until I take my last breath I'm going to spend every waking day with you, because you are my everything." He whispered as he cuffed my face.

He leaned down and gently pressed his lips against mine. I let out a sigh as I clung to him, losing myself in his warm embrace.

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