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I had to be the stupidest person alive. I knew coming to a bar with Doflamingo was a horrible idea, and yet I had done it anyways. And now here I am dealing with a drunk warlord.

"You are so beautiful, do 'ya know that?" Doflamingo grumbled out.

I let out a sigh and turned to look at him. He was resting his head against the table. I had to hold back a snort as his sunglasses slipped off his face and his eyes met mine.

"I think you've had enough to drink, my lord." I said as I pulled his drink away from him.

He swatted my hand away from his drink and leaned towards me. My heart stopped as our lips where a breath away.

"You wanna know a secret?" He grumbled out, a giant grin on his face.

I thought it over and decided that it couldn't cause any harm. I shrugged my shoulders and leaned in closer.

"Sure." I said as I tilted my head to the side.

I picked my glass up and brought it to my lips.

"I'm in love with (Y/n)." He whispered.

The glass slipped from my hands, smashing onto the ground. My head snapped to the side and I went stiff as I locked eyes with Doflamingo.

"What did you just say?" I asked in shock.

"I'm in love with (y/n). But don't tell her." He said as he leaned back in his chair.

"What... what do you love about her?" I asked as I stared down at my drink.

"Oh where to even begin! She's so beautiful... and so funny. She's like an Angel." He said as he let out a sigh.

My heart raced as my cheeks turned bright red. 

"I... I'm surprised you like her so much." I whispered as I cleared my throat.

His head snapped to the side and he looked me over before raising an eyebrow.


"Because... I always thought you were just messing with her feelings." I explained as I toyed with the straw on my drink.

"Messing with her feelings? I'd never do such a thing! She's my everything... she's the sweetest, most kindest person alive. If she asked, I'd burn the whole world down for her."

I quickly turned to look at him and saw a giant grin on his face. For the first time in a long time he actually looked happy.

"You're definitely drunk, let's get you home." I said as I let out a cough.

"But I don't wanna!" He whined as I grabbed his arm.

"Come on, big guy." I said as I hoisted him to his feet.

It wasn't long before we arrived at his flat and I helped him to bed. He fell back into the bed with a groan as I pulled the cover over his body, a small smile on my face. I left the room to grab him some water and returned to see him fast asleep.

"Just so you know.... I would burn the world for you too." I whispered as I set the water down.

I leaned over him and gently pressed a kiss to the top of his forehead. I pulled away and saw a giant grin on his face. Without so much as another word I turned and left, making my way home.

Next day

I woke up with a horrible hangover and a sick stomach. I couldn't get Doflamingo's words out of my head. Had he meant them, or were they just a drunk mistake.

"Birdy!" A sing song voice called out.

I froze up as I stared down at my papers. I slowly turned around and watched as Doflamingo strutted into my room, a grin on his face.

My heart raced as I thought about his words.

"I'm in love with (y/n). But don't tell her."

My cheeks turned bright red and I was forced to clears my throat.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" I asked as I leaned against my desk.

He walked up to me and reached down, bringing his fingers to the edge of my skirt. I held my breath as a frown appeared on his face.

"Didn't I ask you not to wear this anymore?" He asked with a sigh.

"Sir, is there a reason you are here?" I quietly asked as I leaned further into the desk.

"Oh! Right! We have a date tonight, I'll pick you up at seven." He explained as he removed his hand from my skirt.

"A... date?" I asked in shock.

"Unless you want to skip the date and go to more... strenuous activities." He said as he placed his hand on my hips.

I took in a deep breath as he stared down at me, our eyes locking.

"Sir... that is... highly unprofessio-"

In an instant I was cut off by him cuffing my face and pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss. My eyes went wide as he pulled me closer. Instantly I closed my eyes and tangled my fingers into his hair, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and locked his lips as he picked me up, and threw me down on my desk. I heard all of my paperwork land on the floor as he worked on removing my shirt.

"You are helping me clean that up later." I whined as he tore my shirt off of me.

He let out a laugh as he worked on kisses my neck.

"As if you'll be able to walk later." He whispered as I let out a moan.

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