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With a groan I carried a tray of food into Doflamingo's room. I didn't know why he asked for me to be his chief, I could hardly boil water when I had first arrived in Dressrosa.

"Young master, I have your- of course he isn't here."

I let out a groan and walked into the room, a frown on my face. I set the tray down on his desk and smoothed my dress out.

"You would think that he could stay in one place." I mumbled as I set everything up.

Doflamingo was a strange and unpredictable man. One minute he could be charming and kind, the next he was cruel and monstrous. I never knew what to expect when dealing with him.

"I guess I have to wait for him to arrive." I whispered as I looked around the room.

Instantly my eyes landed on something pink and fluffy.

"No... he wouldn't leave his coat.. would he?" I whispered as I walked up to it.

And as always, I was correct. My hands reached out and I gently picked up the giant fur coat. It was heavy, and extremely warm. It didn't surprise me that he constantly wore it. Curious it's got the better of me and I slowly slipped it on, instantly engulfing my whole body in warmth. I let out a hum as I pulled it closer. It felt as if I was wrapped up in Doflamingo's arms, a feeling I had only ever imagined.

"What do we have here?" A deep voice asked from behind me.

My eyes shot open and I quickly spun around, fear coursing thru me.  The sigh that greeted me was a grinning Doflamingo leaning against the doorframe, his shades covering his eyes.

"Sir... I was-"

"Stealing my property?" He asked as he pushed himself off of the doorframe.

"No! I was just trying it on! I am so sorry! I swear I'll never-"

I was cut off by him stopping in front of me and placing his index finger over my lips.

"Quite.... Let me get a good look at you." He ordered as he moved his hand away from my face.

I watched as he made a turning motion with his hand, silently ordering me to spin for him. My heart was pounding in my chest as I gave him a slow turn.

"Beautiful as always." He whispered as he looked me up and down.

I stopped spinning and opened my mouth to speak, only getting one word out.


His hand shot up and a gasp left my lips as he roughly grabbed onto my hair and pulled it back, forcing me to look up at him.

"Did I give you permission to speak?" He growled out. "No, I didn't. Now be a good girl and stay quite."

I was quick to give him a nod as he stared down at me.

"Good girl."

He stared down at me, a unreadable look on his face. I watched as he moved his free hand to my waist and pulled me to him. I found myself slowly leaning into his touch as he stared down at me. He slowly started to lean down, his lips just a breath away from mine. Right when I thought our lips were going to connect, he tore the jacket off of me and let go of my hair. I fell backwards, nearly tripping over my own feet.

"Go, before I punish you for touching what isn't yours." He ordered motioning to the door.

Without so much as another word I ran out of his room, rushing to my own quarters. My heart was racing as I slammed the door shut and leaned against the door.

Had that just happened? Did I just survive Doflamingo's anger? Anyone else would probably lose a hand for touching his belongings, and yet he didn't seem to care.

I pushed the thought away and decided that it would be best if I got back to work. The day went as usual, I left Doflamingo's lunch and dinner for him and then cleaned up the kitchen. When I was finished I returned to my room, but instead of finding a empty room, I was greeted by a giant pink fluffy jacket. I slowly walked up to it and froze as a note was sitting in it, with Doflamingo's handwriting.

'A little present from me. You're to wear this when you leave your room, should I catch you not wearing it then I will personally punish you- Doflamino'

When did he even have the time to get this jacket? Had he been planning it for awhile?

I slowly picked it up and wrapped it around me, a giant grin on my face as I felt warmth overtake me. The jacket was beautiful and in a way it felt like he was claiming me as his. I couldn't help but to smile at the thought. I also couldn't help but to smile at the thought of being punished by Doflamingo. The idea caused a shiver to run down my spine.

Next day

I walked thru the castle, fear coursing thru me. The jacket was sitting in my room, laying in my bed. It probably was stupid and probably was a death sentence, but I couldn't stop myself. Curiosity got the better of me and I found myself wanting to see what he was going to do.

I would soon find out faster than I had expected. I was just about to walk thru the kitchen door, when a hand roughly grabbed my wrist. I let out a shriek as I was pulled back. My back it a chest and I slowly looked up to see Doflamingo glaring down at me.

"It seems you didn't heed my warning, pet." He growled as he grabbed my hair and yanked it back.

I let out a whimper as he stared down at me.

"Maybe... I want to be punished, sir!" I gasped out.

He continued to stare down at me, a look of surprise on his face. Though it only lasted for a second, before a smirk spreads across his face and he smashes his lips against mine. I let out a moan as he spun me around and slammed me into the wall, our lips a inch a part.

"You're mine." He growled out.

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