Flashbacks(Jay Halstead)

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Info: Nora, marine for 15 years, you and Jay don't get along even though you're partners, only Voight knows about military history
TW: mentions of trauma

I sat at my desk staring straight ahead

It's been 5 years since I lost my best friends and almost died in a bombing because I wasn't paying attention

I looked up as Jenna tried to walk down the steep hill next to the base

"You fucking idiot" I laughed as she tripped and fell "oww" I smiled and helped her up

I chuckled at the scraped Jenna had "has any one told you you're mean" Jenna slapped me over the back of the head "many times" I chuckled

"You're an idiot" Jason chuckled as he walked over "you are all mean" Jenna huffed "it's what best friends are for"

I chuckled at Jason's response "I should get back to look out" I turned around to walk off as a there was a loud bang shortly followed by more

I collapsed to the ground in pain as a missile landed next to us

*end of flashback*

I felt someone shake my shoulder

I grabbed my knife from my pocket and pinned them to my desk with the knife to their throat

"Nora" I was too lost in my mind that I didn't know who it was

"NORA" I familiar voice yell

I realised it was Jay so I let him go and sat back in my chair

Jay looked annoyed but concerned as he sat back down

*10 minutes later*

I walked into the break room to get a cup of coffee

I winced as I accidentally spilt some coffee on my hand


"Is that all you have" I panted out as Alejandro walked back to a table with the knife he had been cutting me with

"Of course it's not" he smirked as a group of men came in with buckets

"You won't get anything out of me" I raised an eyebrow making the men chuckle "have fun boys" Alejandro sat down

I winced as hot water got thrown on me

I tried to move away as another guy held hot coals against my stomach and thighs

I clenched my jaw taking the pain

*end of flashback*

"Jesus Nora" I heard a female voice before I felt my hand get moved under cold water

"We don't have it" I muttered "we don't have what" I heard Hailey ask

"Vladimir has it" I looked at my hand

"Vladimir has the chip" I frantically looked around

"Who's Vladimir" Hailey put her hand on my shoulder

"If I told Alejandro we didn't have it they would be alive" I looked up "if I had just told him that we failed our mission my family would still be alive"

Hailey hugged me as tears fell down my cheeks

*2 hours later*

I walked into Voight's office

"You mind if I head out for a bit" I asked "if you need the rest of the day off call" I nodded and walked out

I put my jacket on and headed out to my car

*30 minutes later*

I pulled up to the cemetery and walked over to Jenna and Jason's graves

I sat down against Jenna's and started crying

"I should have been patrolling instead of watching you guys being idiot" I snuffled and pulled my legs up to my chest

I flinched as I heard someone sit down next to me and pull me into their arms

I recognised Jay's scent and relaxed

*Jay's pov*

I curiously followed Nora to a Veteran cemetery

I got out and walked over to the graves she was sitting at

"I should have been patrolling instead of watching you guys being idiot" Nora snuffled and pulled her legs up to her chest

I walked over and sat down next to Nora pulling her into my arms making her flinch

This is random and shit but I wanted to add a new chapter but had no clue what to write

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