Home(Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz/Jay Halstead)

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Info: Becca Gerwitz, Mouse's wife, 35, paramedic
TW: smut

"I'm so glad it's the end of the day" Gabby chuckled

"I need sleep" I chuckled with Gabby as we drove back to 51

"you've taken the rings off" Gabby brought down the mood making me look at my naked finger

"he left in the middle of the night and didn't respond to a single message" I looked up and snuffled

"not even the break up one 2 years ago" I chuckled

"I had to find out through Jay that he re-enlisted" I wiped my eyes

I got out as Gabby parked

"there's someone inside for you" Matt walked

I frowned and walked inside stopping when I saw Mouse

"hey baby" Mouse smiled and went to hug me but I pushed him away

"don't Greg" I glared "you left me in the middle of the night" tears started falling down my face

"not a word after" my voice cracked "I had to find out through Jay that you re-enlisted"

"I couldn't tell you" Mouse told me "if I had said goodbye I wouldn't have gone" I scoffed at him



"why'd you come back" I clenched my jaw as Mouse stood there shocked

"just go back Greg" I walked out

"you good" Kelly hugged me "I just want to go home" I wiped my eyes

"I'll drive" Kelly took my keys from me

*20 minutes later*

I walked into my apartment and sat on the couch staring off into space

"I need alcohol" I walked to the fridge and grabbed all of my alcohol

"plenty" I sat back on the couch and started drinking

*2 hours later*

I groaned as there was a knock on the door

"what" I glared and opened it "I'm sorry baby"

"if I talked to you while I was away then I would've gotten distracted and killed" Mouse looked at me

my drunken state took over making me kiss him

Mouse responded by wrapping his arms around my waist and slipping his tongue in my mouth

before I knew it Mouse and I were naked on my bed making out

I moaned as Mouse pushed into in me "Mouse" I tugged on his hair as he pounded into me

I was so horny that it didn't take much to make me cum

I bit Mouse's shoulder to stop my scream as I came undone around him

I smirked and flipped Mouse and I

"baby" Mouse groaned as I started riding him

I put my hand on his abs to stabilise myself as I sped up

I moaned as I felt Mouse cum in me

"Ruby" Mouse gripped my hips

*the next day*

I woke up with a pounding headache

I felt another body in my bed so I looked over expecting to see Jay but I saw Mouse instead

My face dropped as everything from last night came rushing back

I bit my lip and grabbed Mouse's phone from his jean's

"Ruby" I whispered and opened his messages

i clicked on the message chain 'Ruby'

I scrolled to the top and saw they started talking 6 years ago and started sending explicit pictures 5 years ago

and a kid

I rubbed my face and got dressed

I left my phone, watch, rings and jewellery on the bench before walking out

*10 minutes later*

I shivered as I knocked on Jay's door

I smirked as he opened it in a pair of low hanging trackies

"it's freezing out there" Jay chuckled and pulled me inside as the realisation started setting in that Mouse had been cheating on me our whole marriage

I sat on the couch as my breathing started becoming uneven

"hey" Jay sat down next to me "what's wrong" I chuckled as Jay caressed me cheek

"I'm such a fucking idiot" the tears started falling as my hands started shaking

"no your not" Jay kissed my forehead and grbbed my hands "Greg was cheating our whole marriage" I looked at him

"what" Jay asked confused "and he has a kid with her" I started laughing "and I had to find out when we drunkenly ended up in bed and he moaned her name"

"I need alcohol" Jay stopped me as I went to get up "come here" Jay pulled me onto his lap and held me close as I cried

"12 years and he was talking to her for 6 of them" I snuffled "it's ok" Jay whispered as I slowly calmed down

"I actually thought we might have a chance when he showed up" Jay rubbed my back as I cried

I was happy then my music turned sad so this turned sad
Because I was sad it was very bad smut
Maybe I should stop listening to music while writing for wattpad

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