Home PT.2

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Info: Becca Gerwitz, Mouse's wife, 35, paramedic

"12 years and he was talking to her for 6 of them" I snuffled "it's ok" Jay whispered as I slowly calmed down

"I actually thought we might have a chance when he showed up" Jay rubbed my back as I cried

I snuffled and climbed into Jay's lap burying my face into his neck giving it a kiss

"Becca" Jay moved my head back and smirked down at me "yea" I looked up at Jay innocently

"don't be a tease" Jay smirked as he laid me down on the couch laying on me

"is it bad that this is what I came over for" I smirked and draped my arms over Jay's neck "really" Jay kissed my neck "mm" I responded in pleasure

"unfortunately I do have work soon and would like a shower and breakfast" I at Jay's expression "actual food" I smirked "not your dick" I wiggled out of his arms "really" Jay smirked and sat up

"you can join" I grabbed a towel and walked off towards Jay's shower

I chuckled as I heard Jay get up and Jog after me

*2 hours later*

I smiled as Jay and I walked into the café we normally go to

"you're ordering" I yawned " and I will kill you if anything is wrong" Jay chuckled as I sat down

"I know that" I smiled as Jay walked over to the register

"the usual please" Jay smiled "you gonna work up the nerve to ask her today" the casher chuckled

"yeah" Jay gave a slight smile and glanced at me "don't know how it'll go though" he sighed "her husband finished his tour but she also found out he had been cheating on her for half their relationship"

"seriously" the casher asked "yep" Jay paid "I'll bring the food over when it's ready" "thanks" Jay smiled and walked over

"hurry up" I leaned back on my chair "I just ordered" Jay chuckled "no I mean hurry up and ask me out" Jay's face dropped

"I literally hear every conversation you have with him about working up the nerve to ask me out" I raised an eyebrow as Jay sighed

"since I know you so well Jay Grayson Halstead" I chuckled "so incredibly well that you have not in fact worked up the nerve yet" I rested my elbows on the table "the answer the question you have yet to work up the nerve to is yes"

I chuckled as Jay let out a relieved sigh "why can't I have a coffee to sassily sip as a 'see I'm always right'" I smirked

"you know I hate you" Jay rolled his eyes "mm" I interlaced my fingers under my chin

"evil" I chuckled and kissed Jay

*1 hour later*

I sighed as Jay pulled up out the front of 51

"do you need me to pick you up" Jay asked me "no" I smiled "my car's here" I opened to door "Kelly took me home yesterday" I chuckled as Jay kissed me

"really" I smiled "I can finally do that in public" Jay gently grabbed my chin "I'll be doing that as often as possibly"

"I'm fine with that" I smiled and kissed Jay "I need to go" I got out of Jay's truck

"I'll see you tonight" I smiled and nodded before walking into the station

"Miss Becca" Gabby walked up beside me "what was that" I saw her smirk

"don't act like you don't know we've been hooking up for months" I chuckled

"everyone knows" Gabby and I walked into the main area (I don't watch Chicago fire so I have no clue what it's called) "I but is it finally official" I rolled my eyes as everyone looked over "yes, like an hour"

I sat down "are we talking about you and Jay" I heard Otis from the couch "I hate you guys" I groaned


this is shit but I wanted to make a part 2 and wanted this out of my drafts without restarting it

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