The Collapse of the IU...

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The International Union was bow getting old... and now the people of the world's of Laitis and Gourma. It seems that whatever the IU was having for it, was now beggining to fall apart...

The IU had one question for it's people... what would they do? What would they do when the government would collapse... but, the shocking part was when every citizen of the nation united and drew up a brand new flag... Thus, the idea of the United Planets of Abkgora was born...

The new UPA was incredibly powerful, with a navy beyond anything the system seen other than the IU's Navy

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The new UPA was incredibly powerful, with a navy beyond anything the system seen other than the IU's Navy. With their development on March 10th, 2378... the birth of the UPA happened with the UPA Constitution being drawn up and fitted.

The point of the nation was basically what the IU did but on a massive scale. They would unify the entire world under one identity, as Abkgorans... this word comes from the ancient dialect of Zuzana of "United People".

The UPA singlehandedly was the strongest economy. With their help, they finished the construction of the Topopolis in the construction process in less than 30 years from then. By September of 2409, the Topopolis was fully constructed...

At this point people already were living inside it, as sections were added for individual nations. By 2452, the current year, the System population hit 65 Trillion people... and 40 Trillion lived in the Topopolis. It was 10 miles wide for habitation, and in total was tens of Billions of miles long.

This allowed people to live comfortably inside the Topopolis, and it was also protective against harmful sun rays. This Topopolis also was self-sustaining, since it could use Fusion reactions to produce energy in case the Dyson Swarms can't produce the energy.

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