The Tazsci Establishment...

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The Tazsci Government was establishing their superiority as a "race" that was better than all other nations. With the territory of one of the asteroid nations on the Topopolis, it rebelled in 2415, and by 2420, they began slowly arming themselves with technology far superior to most...

The Tazsci would begin armament programs, as their influence sparked more revolutions inside the Topopolis. This created tension, but not as much as what was about to be learned.

The OPE had begun rapid Militarization, since their only ally that was with them began to mobilize as well... SATO begins to realize the problem that leads to their future.

And in February of 2441, the Second Solar War had begun... SATO was not yet entering the war as the alliance since none of it's members were attacked, but only after the UPA left SATO in 2447 did SATO join the Solar Conflict.

At this point, countless Billions were fighting every single year. The entire system was a war zone, as the UPA just continued it's Isolationist ideals. It did not feel that it should intervene, and 98.5% of it's citizens felt the same. Those that felt otherwise would leave tk volunteer in the Allied Military.

It worked out for both parties, making the decision from the UPA reasonable. It didn't want to drag the people into the war unless it has the support behind it. Aurum and OPE Officials were scared because now the Allies were gaining in numbers fast...

The UPA wasn't even joining, but the over 50 Billion people that wanted to join, did... creating an Allied army 5.5 times larger than the Axis standing Army.

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