1- "Dear Xingqiu,"

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Xingqiu had just gotten the mail for his family, and he saw a letter from someone whose handwriting he recognized. Chongyun's.
He looked to see if his brother was looking. Usually they opened the mail in the dining room due to all of it going to their father, but he needed to see what was inside of this himself. Nobody else needed to see.
Xingqiu's face lit up, as he read the letter. It was so nicely written, it almost seemed as it was written by one of the talented writer's he reads books from. The calligraphy was beautiful too, he couldn't help but stare.
He continued to read, blushing by the time he reached the end. It was written by non other than his best friend.
The letter had stated the following;

  "Dear Xingqiu,

  I hope this letter finds its way to you soon, as I don't know if this can wait any longer. I have wanted to say this for a long while now, and I finally have the courage too. Xingqiu, I love you. I have loved you for years now. It feels as if I am burning up when I see you. You may pull many pranks, but I do admire you. You make me feel like no other, as I do not feel this way with Xiangling or Hu Tao.
  Xingqiu, if you do not reciprocate these feelings, please do not bring this up. I want us to stay friends, I don't want my dumb feelings ruing our friendship.

  From, Chongyun"

  Xingqiu ran up to his room, closing his door quickly but quietly. He locked his door, put the letter on his desk, got his sword, then walked to his window. It was only an 8 foot fall.
  Xingqiu took a breath, opening his window, then jumping. He couldn't have his father, brother, or mother find out that he was gone when he was meant to be doing chores. Xingqiu ran, hoping no maid or anyone would see him.


  He finally got to his and Chongyun's usual training spot. And there he was.
  Xingqiu panted, gasping for air as he watched his friend train. He wasn't elegant, nor graceful in anyway. That one just one reason he loved him back.
  "C-Chongyun!" He said in a breathy voice. The icy haired one turned to look behind himself. Seeing the sight of an out of breath Xingqiu was worrying to him. He quickly got up and ran to Xingqiu
  "Are you okay Xingqiu?" He asked in a rushed tone, his hands laying on the other's shoulders. His eyes darted as they looked for anything, every spot on Xingqiu, checking for any wounds. His cold-icy eyes ended their search at the others, now looking into Xingqiu's Cor Lapis colored ones.
  Xingqiu pulled the two into a hug. Wrapping his arms tightly around Chongyun. "X-Xingqiu..?!?" Chongyun said in a surprised voice, pulling away quickly. He was puzzled, now thinking that he wasn't physically hurt, now thinking something else could have been wrong.
  "Chongyun, I love you. I love you so much" Is what Xingqiu wanted to say, but that wasn't coming out. Instead he let out a small and quiet sigh. He looked at the cryo user, his eyes almost glowing in the sun, giving the amber color a more golden light.
  "Xingqiu, what happened?" Chongyun asked, "Do you feel okay?" Chongyun worried for the other, and he continued to worry with every second Xingqiu was silent. Soon Xingqiu did answer. He answered with not a sigh but with a full answer.
  "I got your letter."
  Chongyun heard these words, and then looked away, moving his hands off of the other's shoulders.  "Ah... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable Xingqiu..." He sighed, still looking away. He knew what was coming, but he really only thought he knew.
  "Chongyun. Please look at me," Xingqiu wrapped his hand around the other's neck. "I reciprocate your feelings." He said with an embarrassed face, he didn't understand why he said it in a weird fancy way, but he said it.
  "You... wha...?" Chongyun finally looked at Xingqiu. His cheeks were toned red, it looked as if he was in a trance. "You like me back..?" He had a faded smile on his face, his mouth curving up lightly.
  Xingqiu did not answer this question, instead he pulled Chongyun closer. Their lips touched gently then both of their eyes closed. The sun now hit the ground, lowering as the two pulled away.


  "To my dear Chongyun,

  I love you too.

  Love Xingqiu."


-762 words-

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