3- The ultimate exorcist's last words

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DO I HATE MYSELF FOR GETTING BACK INTO DANGANRONPA? YES... IS THIS ALSO THE FIRST FIC IVE WRITTEN ABOUT DANGANRONPA SINCE I MADE THIS ACCOUNT??? YES... anyway, if you haven't played/watched danganronpa, skip this chapter if you want to, but if you don't care or have watched/played it go ahead and read :33


  Chongyun was the Ultimate Exorcist, the best in all of the land, or so they said. He never really believed he was an Ultimate himself, but that's what everyone said, even that weird bear.
  He was lucky he knew someone here, if he didn't, he would be even more terrified. Hell, who wouldn't! A weird creepy bear came and told them to basically kill eachother to leave. He wasn't even the ultimate lucky student, but he might as well been to find his best friend, Xingqiu, stuck with him.
This was a miracle for him, but what wasn't so good was that he was the traitor. But, due to his circumstances, he wouldn't, or better he couldn't, tell anyone. The one thing that he accidentally did was become the traitor. It wasn't even his fault. It was that stupid ghost. It had to be.
  "Yun-yun...?" Xingqiu waved his hand in front of the other's face. His eyes were red and puffy. He seemed to had been crying.
  "Sorry Xingqiu, I'm a little off..." Chongyun shook his head, smiling at Xingqiu and pulling him in a hug. "Don't worry, I'm fine."
  Xingqiu smiled, hugging the other back in a tight embrace. The two were in Chongyun's room, sitting there together after another trial. This time around, Lynnette had gotten executed for murder of Collei. Nobody expected it really, she was a quiet girl, but according to that bear she had done countless other murders and this one was no different. Lynnette did seem saddened by it.
  Even though she murdered someone Xingqiu did get sad. He and her got along well enough, they read together, and had the occasional chat. Chongyun on the other hand didn't have much of a reaction anymore. The first one was the worst for him, but only because he witnessed a person get brutally executed. He had to be there for Xingqiu anyway, he needed to be strong only for Xingqiu.
  "Do you promise to make it out with me?" Xingqiu asked, looking up at Chongyun while still in his arms.
  Chongyun hesitated, before nodding, "I promise." He smiled, hugging the other tighter as he looked away with a frown. He knew he couldn't. "You tired?" Xingqiu nodded, making Chongyun laugh.
  Chongyun lay Xingqiu down on the bed, covering him up with blankets before he go in the bed as well. Just so it wasn't weird, he faced the opposite way and was pushed up against the edge of the bed to avoid any contact. The two drifted off to sleep, one happier than the other.


  "Yun-Yun?" Xingqiu yelled throughout the halls of the outside-inside corridor. He was confused. Chongyun was in his room when he went to sleep, but when Xingqiu woke up, he was nowhere to be found. Xingqiu was confused, he never had left like this before.
  "Aether, have you seen Chongyun?" Xingqiu asked in a concerned tone.
  Aether shook his head, "My only guess would be with you..." He quietly chuckled, then saw that Xingqiu was genuinely scared. "Have you checked the cleaning closet? I know it's weird, but what if he like spilled something at breakfast...?" Aether answered this time, smiling.
  "I haven't, thank you..!" Xingqiu waved at Aether, running off to quickly get to the custodial closet. Xingqiu got to the room, turning the lights on. No sign of Chongyun still.
  Xingqiu put his hands in his face, groaning. He then felt something on his back. It felt round and square at the same time. He got a cold sweat on his forehead, scared to turn around. As he turned around, he saw a red mask, pointing a gun to his chest.
  Xingqiu froze. He didn't know if he should move, or to stay put. Is this really how he dies? Before he could think any longer, all he saw was a burst of blood. It came from Tartaglia, whose mask fell. A hole was in his chest, around the area of where a heart should be. He quickly fell to the ground, blood spilling out. Xingqiu looked up to see the person that, he assumed, protected him. It was Chongyun. He had a spear in his hand and the gun Tartaglia was holding in the other.
  "C-Chongyun...?!" Xingqiu cried out, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should hug and thank him or run away in fear.
  "I'm sorry Xingqiu. I didn't mean for you to wake up alone." He responded, not making eye contact with the other.
  "W-what just happened..?! Wh-where did you come from... and why did you... why did he..." Xingqiu started to hyperventilate, his breaths becoming very erratic.
  Chongyun dropped the gun and spear, quickly reaching Xingqiu's side. "It's okay, you're safe." He calmly responded, pulling the other into a hug. "I won't be here for much longer-"
  "What do you mean...?" Xingqiu looked up at Chongyun. Chongyun walked away from the hug, kneeling down to Tartaglia's dead body.
  "This... thing... was planning on killing you, but I didn't want that. I got up early, and planed this exact situation." He kicked the body before going to the gun. "And, the last step in the plan is this." He smiled at Xingqiu, pointing the gun to his own head.
  "W-what are you doing..." Xingqiu backed away.
  "I love you Xingqiu, my ultimate swordsman." His smile stayed as he pulled the trigger of the gun, blood now covering the majority of the hallway.
  "Y-Yun!!!" Xingqiu ran over, grabbing Chongyun's lifeless body, holding it in his arms. "Answer me! Yun-yun!!!" He screamed, his eyes shut tight. His grip tightened as he felt no reaction.
  "Xingqiu...?" Aether and Lumine walked over, stopping in their place as soon as they saw the scene.


  "So boring..." Monokuma sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Could have atleast stopped the killer from killing himself, rich boy!" He yelled, pointing a finger. Xingqiu hadn't looked up once yet, only speaking when he needed to talk about what happened.
  "I will go up there and strangle you so tight your little bear head pops off." Yae Miko said, crossing her arms with a smirk.
  "Try me." He responded.
  "Miko this is not the time!" Lumine said, trying to stop her. "We need to vote. Everyone has said their evidence, correct?" Everyone nodded, including Xingqiu.
  "Finally! Okay everyone, time to vote on who did it!" Monokuma laughed. Everyone put in their vote for Chongyun. Xingqiu only voted him because Aether was right next to him.
  "Well... if we had someone to execute I would say that it's punishment time... but we can always use the dead bodies-"
  "Shut up, Monokuma." Ei spat, giving him a dirty look.
  "Okay okay... you can leave now then..." He sighed, disappearing in front of everyone's eyes.


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