5- Flowers for Xingqiu

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(pretend Xingqiu's favorite flowers are silk flowers for this, thought it fit cause of his materials to ascend)


  "Ah, my liege, nice day outside. Hm?" Xingqiu walked up to Chongyun. His face lit up by the subtle sunlight during the sunrise. He sat down at the dock, letting his feet dangle in the water.
  "It's hot, Xingqiu." Chongyun responded, rolling his eyes as he sat next to Xingqiu. He crossed his legs, sitting at the edge of the dock. Xingqiu chuckled, looking over at Chongyun. He was now eating a popsicle.
  "I've never tried one of your popsicles, what do they taste like?" Xingqiu asked, leaning over closer to Chongyun.
  Chongyun blushed, looking away before grabbing a popsicle out. "Here." He mumbled handing one over.
  Xingqiu laughed. His laugh was soft, and his gaze stayed fixed on the other. He licked the popsicle but then realized it just tastes like frozen mint.
  "Chongyun, my liege. This is mint," Xingqiu put a hand on his forehead, "Pure frozen water and mint."
  Chongyun looked at the other, just having finished his popsicle. "I'll take it if you don't want the rest." He shrugged, reaching a hand out.
  Xingqiu handed it over, shrugging back. He kneeled down, taking off his shoes and socks before laying them behind the two. He then let his feet dangle in the water. Xingqiu leaned back, smirking as he grabbed Chongyun's shoulders and pulled him down with. He laughed at the other's shocked face, smiling softly.
  "What's that look for..." Chongyun looked away again, putting his hands on his chest.
  Xingqiu laughed, sitting up. The sunrise was almost over, meaning people were going to come to the docks soon. He frowned before quickly going back to his usual self, turning to Chongyun and poking his cheek.
  "I gotta go, see you Chongyun!" He smiled, quickly putting his socks and shoes on before running off.
  Chongyun sat up, watching the other hurry off with a frown. He understood why they had to hang out less, it was prime time to be selling silk flowers. The two used to joke that it was a blessing, as they were Xingqiu's favorite flowers.
  Chongyun sat up, making it his journey to find Xingqiu a silk flower, maybe even a bouquet of them. Just something to make him feel better.


  Xingqiu groaned, sitting up and looking at a clock. It was 3:25 am. Someone was at his window. He quietly crept over and grabbed his sword from under his bed before going over to the window.
  "Ha!- Oh, Yun-Yun?" Xingqiu stepped back, opening his window more to allow the other inside his bedroom. It was dark outside, but Xingqiu could still notice the small scent of blood and the slight dirty-ness of Chongyun.
  "I'm sorry for waking you up at such an hour..." Chongyun chuckled, scratching the back of his head. He slowly took an arm out from behind his back, showing the other a small bouquet of bright Silk Flowers laid in a soft grey vase.
  Xingqiu's eyes lit up, looking at Chongyun's face. "W-where did you- where did you find these?"
  Chongyun shook his head, "don't ask, just take." He smiled, putting his hands out farther.
  Xingqiu reached out, his hands brushing on the others as he took the vase. He noticed small cuts on the other's hands while grabbing it, and quickly set it down on his nearby desk.
  Xingqiu grabbed the other's hands, feeling around them before dragging him to his bed. "Stay here." He said, walking out the room.
  Chongyun awkwardly sat on the bed, messing with the open cuts on his hands. Xingqiu came back quickly, holding a med-kit in his hands.
  "Either roll up your sleeves or take off your undershirt, I know you have more wounds." Xingqiu shook his head, lighting 3 candles on his desk to light up the room.
  Chongyun nodded his head, taking off his hoodie then his undershirt. Xingqiu was correct, he did have quite a few wounds. This caused Xingqiu to sigh.
  "Chongyun, don't hurt yourself so much for m-"
  "I'll do it again, over and over. You look so happy when I do stuff like this for you, I never want to miss it for even a second." Chongyun shook his head, tilting it downwards. This statement made Xingqiu blush as he slowly started to wrap the larger wounds on his arms.
  "But... fighting this much for a few flowers?" Xingqiu questioned.
  "Not just any flowers, silk flowers." Chongyun smiled.
  Xingqiu started to quietly laugh as he finished a bandage around his waist. He brought his hands up to the other's face, feeling around for any other wounds. That's what he told himself. It's not everyday you have excuse to just feel up your crush's face. He put that in the back of his brain though, bandaging up the other was top priority.
  He put smaller bandaids on his face, before speaking up. "Can you turn around for me?" Xingqiu asked, needing to see the other's back.
  Chongyun nodded, bringing his legs up onto the other's bed and with his back facing Xingqiu. Xingqiu ran his hands along the other's back, looking at the bruises and cuts. It hurt him to see someone so close to him this hurt, but it wasn't so bad being with him longer.
  Xingqiu finished up around 4, quietly putting the med-kit back where he found it. He walked back into the room, seeing a tired Chongyun trying not to drift off to sleep. He laughed softly, walking over.
  "I'll let you sleep over, Yun-yun, don't worry, nobody will find out." Xingqiu whispered. Chongyun nodded, yawning as he leaned back in the bed.
  "I'll leave you some room..." Chongyun said while tiredly scooting over on the bed. Xingqiu nodded, climbing into bed next to Chongyun. The two fell asleep, facing opposite walls.


  "Young master, your father request you-" Xu knocked on Xingqiu's door, walking in before stopping. He expected Xingqiu to start sneaking girls home eventually, but not boys?? He didn't know what to do or say, so he quietly closed the door and told his father he was 'sick'


Hello :33 sorry for not posting😭 I just got out of art-block and I think I can also finally write again? Anyway, Xingqiu and Chongyun aren't dating in this, just very very very much crushing on eachother. ^^

Around 1030-1040 words?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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