4- Adepti

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I felt like making adepti Xingyun ngl


  Xingqiu, one of the major adepti that many have been praying to see. Besides battling, which many didn't think he did, he also was known for taking care of gardens that have been left alone. Many people would purposely leave their gardens to die in hopes of catching the adepti, but to no avail.
Chongyun, on the other hand, showed himself often. He wasn't the extroverted type, but he had to show himself to do his job. Like his counterpart, Xingqiu, he wasn't known for his fighting abilities, but his other trait. Chongyun was an exorcist that many compared to Xiao.
The two adepti, even though complete opposites even in color, were often told in tales together. The two being siblings, friends, best friends, sidekick and leader, but in reality they were none of those. Xingqiu and Chongyun, throughout all of the years they lived, had fallen for each-other. No human knew this. None except Xiangling. The chef.
"Hu Tao, I've been telling you for years!!! They aren't friends!!!" Xiangling told her friend, Hu Tao.
She rolled her eyes, "Well they aren't siblings so..." She said, messing with her hat. "Fine, what are they?"
"Well..." Xiangling mumbled, making Hu Tao laugh. Xiangling started laughing with her, waving her goodbye as she left. Xiangling sighed at the counter of her dad's restaurant. Nobody would believe her if she told anyone. Hell, she didn't even believe herself sometimes. Of course two adepti wouldn't be together. What she saw that day with Guoba was just fake. She then heard a noise come from a chair.
A cat jumped on the counter. It's fur a weird navy blue, with amber eyes. It flicked its tail, then hopped back off. Xiangling found it weird, but cats are weird creatures. She then saw the shadow of someone sitting down, so she quickly started her introduction.
  "Hello! I'm Xiangling, here is our menu, call me when your ready-" She smiled, opening her eyes to see a man with navy hair and amber eyes, next to him an icy blue male with blue eyes. Xiangling then stopped, feeling like she recognized them.
  Behind her was Guoba. Feeling that she was shocked, he turned around then immediately got annoyed. Guoba went back to making the fire. This made the navy man laugh, not loud enough for Xiangling to hear.
  "I'll go ahead and take the spiciest soup you have, 2 bowls please!~" He smiled, handing her the menu back. The icy male gave him a look of disappointment, shaking his head.
  "Coming right up!" Xiangling smiled, going to the back to make some sort of soup.
  "Really, Xingqiu?" Chongyun said, almost catching the people on the street's attention.
  "What, does my dear Chongyun not like classic food from his home region?" Xingqiu smirked, grabbing the other's hand. "And besides, it is nice to take my husband out for dinner, no?" He kissed the other's hand, which was covered in small scales.
"Quiet." Chongyun looked away, blushing and pulling his hand away. Xingqiu laughed, grabbing the other's hand again, this time stroking the scales on it. He didn't say anything else, he just admired his husband's hand. "Lucky they only see my other form..." He blushed more, but went back to looking at Xingqiu.
"Aaand here are your spicy soups! Please enjoy!" Xiangling smiled brightly, placing the bowls down.
Xingqiu smiled, "Thank you, you said your name was Xiangling correct?"
"Thank you then, Xiangling." Xingqiu thanked her again, "is it okay if we move to one of the tables?" He asked. Xiangling nodded, going back to doing whatever she was doing before. Xingqiu smiled at Chongyun, grabbing the two bowls and taking them to a table around the back.


"I am not eating it Xingqiu." Chongyun turned his head away, avoiding the man in front of him who was currently trying to shove a spoon in his mouth.
"Please?~" Xingqiu pleaded, now using his extra hand to try and open Chongyun's mouth.
"This is breaking one of the terms we swore on at our wedding." Chongyun turned his head.
"Oh please. You don't follow the ones that say that you have to read me books when I ask, now do you?" Xingqiu rolled his eyes. The two were laughing in the back of a, now very busy, Wanmin Restaurant. It felt nice to hang out normally. They always are together, but never get to be themselves and have fun.
"Ah, I've missed talking with you like this, Yun-yun..." Xingqiu laughed, his hair getting slightly in his face from laughing. Chongyun looked at Xingqiu, a little shocked but happy.
"...I've missed that nickname." He smiled, grabbing Xingqiu's hand. He held it comfortingly, not being able to do much else. Xingqiu blushed, realizing what he said. He started to giggle, not mentioning it again. They both needed a break, and this was a good one. They could let loose. They felt free.
"I was gonna ask you, is it just me or does the nice little girl seem like our Xiangling, from when we had our little friend group?" Xingqiu's asked, looking at Chongyun.
"She does, even her personality... and the fact Guoba went back to her." He laughed. The two both felt a little sad though. It was hard loosing their Xiangling, so they made a promise to themselves not to get to close to anyone else anymore. She isn't an acceptation, but Xingqiu decided it would be okay to eat here every so often.
"I'll go pay for these, if you want to go ahead without me you can." Chongyun said, getting up and stretching.
"You crazy? Nah. I can't even walk that quickly without being a cat..." He sighed, shaking his head to fix his hair.
"Whatever you say." Chongyun laughed. The duo made it back to the counter, and Chongyun handed her triple the amount of the food.
"A-ah! Uh- S-sir! This is way too much!!" She freaked out, trying to give it back to him. In response, Chongyun shook his head, not letting her give him anything back.
"Xiangling, can you relay a message for me?" Xingqiu asked smirking.
"M-me? Oh uh, sure!"
"Tell Guoba he owes me 200 mora, make sure to say it's from Xingqiu!~" He whispered, laughing.
"H-huh?!!" Xiangling gasped, watching as the two walked away, Chongyun seeming to be yelling at Xingqiu.


-1073 words-

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