an epilogue

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I used to be a stranger to love.

At the beginning of this love story, I was just a hopeless romantic who watched far too many romance movies and shows for my own good.

I was just a victim to this feeling.

"Mr. and Mrs. L/N will be serving a sentence of fifteen years in prison for the abuse of their two children."

I was a slave to the cruel games life was playing on me.

"We won... We won!"

But, no longer.

I've learned so much over the course of these years of my life.

"I insist. I, Amane Ubuyashiki, will be taking Y/N and Makomo under my wing until they can find proper housing."

"Are you sure?! That's a huge thing!"

How to live...

"Y/N! Come back here! I need that damn lip gloss!"

"Over my dead body!"

How to say goodbye...

"Don't you have anything to say to your mother and I?! The people who put a roof over your head and raised you for over fifteen years?!"

"I do have something to say, actually."

"Say it!"

"Good riddance."

How to grieve...

"It's so unfair. Why can't I just have a normal life and a normal family...? I just want..."

"It's okay. Let it all out."

But most importantly,

how to love.

I'm not saying I wanted my life to be like this. I'd go back and slap my parents silly anyday.

But, the sheer amount of happiness and love I've felt these past few days has helped me heal. It helped me cope and be better.

I guess I feel... new? Reborn? It's a weird feeling.

But I want to keep going down this path.

And no matter how many shitty things happen to me, I'll always remember that there are people out there who love and appreciate me.

"Y/N! Our reservation!"

Oh, shit. "Coming, Mui!"

Yeah, I'm bougie like that.

One last thing before I go.

Whoever said love is complicated is a fucking liar.

- END -

a/n: whooooo where do i even begin

fully yours is like the third book i published onto wattpad (the first book i ever published was deleted. dont go looking for it LMAO) but the second i've ever finished

i enjoyed reading every single funny, loving, and supportive comment you all left me. i never expected to get this far with this fic actually

you all motivate me everyday, and i love you all so much. words cannot describe how much i appreciate every single one of you.

i enjoyed writing this series sm and i really love all of you 😭 i've had sm fun w this and i hope that you guys enjoyed reading it

thank you everyone for, as of writing this, 28k reads!

and thank you for the journey ❤️

now lets do this one last time in fully yours history haha


fully yours | t. muichiro ✓Where stories live. Discover now