Chapter 4: The Council's Dilemma

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Lilian was captivated by the man's beauty. His eyes were a deep green, like an ancient forest, with a clarity that shone like polished ice. His eyebrows were perfectly shaped, and his nose looked like it had been sculpted with great skill. His long, tousled hair fell past his pointed ears, adding to his charm. The white of his hair contrasted sharply with his youthful look, giving him a nearly magical presence.

His lips were thin and red, almost otherworldly as if they held secrets. The man, taller than anyone she had ever seen, had a strong, powerful build. He wore a cream-colored tunic and matching breeches, covered by a long cloak that gave him a regal, elegant look. The simplicity of his clothes made his presence even more impressive.

As Lilian took in every detail of Kalen, she realized something important. She had been staring at him for what felt like forever. Even though he hadn't said much, his frowning brows showed he was thinking deeply.

"You are different from me," she whispered, mostly to herself, but Kalen heard her.

His smile was captivating, and Lilian couldn't help but gasp. He looked truly stunning.

"Yes, you are different," Kalen said with certainty. "You are not from this realm."

Lilian's mind raced. Could he be an elf? His pointed ears suggested it. More than being curious about Kalen, she was stunned by the fact that she was in a place completely different from her world. How did I end up here?

Kalen kept looking at her with intense focus, making Lilian feel self-conscious. "What is your name, little dove?" he asked, using the term he had called her before.

Her throat felt dry, but she answered, "Lilian. My name is Lilian."

"Beautiful, Fiery Red-haired Lilian," he said, and before she could react, he reached out and gently touched her hair again, savoring the sensation of each strand beneath his fingers. Lilian struggled to keep her breathing steady, every touch from Kalen sending waves of turmoil through her senses.

Oh boy... she thought.


"Do you think this could be the prophecy?" one of the council members asked. Tassein, Videre, and Ladryl, the realm's protectors who had sworn loyalty to King Ardan, stood together in the King's chamber.

The chamber was grand with its high ceilings and carved wooden beams. Tapestries on the walls told stories of the realm's history, and the stone floor shone under the light of crystal chandeliers.

At one end of the room, a large throne decorated with gold and gems was set on a raised platform. Tall windows with heavy velvet curtains let in moonlight, giving the room a mystical feel.

The chamber had luxurious chairs and benches arranged in a semi-circle around the throne. A grand fireplace with detailed stonework roared with fire, adding warmth and a regal touch. The room smelled of aged wood and incense, fitting its important and majestic purpose.

King Ardan walked slowly and carefully, his footsteps softly echoing in the grand chamber. He had a commanding presence, but his face remained calm and composed. His strong jawline and high cheekbones added to his air of authority and nobility.

Even with the heavy news and the great responsibility on his shoulders, King Ardan maintained a steady and controlled demeanor. His rich crimson tunic, decorated with intricate gold patterns, stood out against the serious mood of the room. The king's crown, a delicate mix of gold and jewels, rested lightly on his head, showing both his power and the weight of his duties. He stood straight and dignified, radiating strength and determination despite the concerns of his council.

When the large door opened, bringing Kalen into the room, King Ardan spoke sharply. "Tell me exactly what happened when you found the human in the forbidden forest, brother," he ordered.

Kalen entered the chamber, and his presence immediately grabbed everyone's attention. He glanced at the council members' curious faces before walking to his chair and adjusting it carefully to make himself comfortable.

"I was patrolling when I sensed something unusual in the forbidden forest," Kalen started, his voice calm. "It had a strange energy that made me worried it might be Marlin's soldiers. When I checked it out, I found the human glowing brightly despite the rain and dirt on her. She had just woken up and mentioned a mystical tree that had called her. She touched it, and it acted like a portal, bringing her to our realm," Kalen explained, remembering her fiery red hair.

Tassein, Videre, and Ladryl listened in stunned silence, unsure of how to respond.

"No one should be able to enter or leave our kingdom without us knowing," Ladryl said, worried. "A portal appearing out of nowhere might put our people in danger."

"Do you think it could be the Tree of What Lies Beyond?" Videre asked, squinting. "Could the tree have brought her here?"

Kalen shrugged, unable to clear his own doubts.

"The Tree of the Past, Present, and Future has always been mysterious," King Ardan said, deep in thought. "No one has ever seen or heard from it, yet it's central to our land. How could a human witness its mystery?"

"If our fears are true, we need to make sure this human isn't the one from the prophecy. She might be a threat to our kingdom," Videre said firmly.

A heavy silence filled the room as everyone considered the serious implications.

Kalen closed his eyes, remembering the prophecy he learned about as a child. It spoke of someone from another world who would bring ruin to their kingdom, said to be a reincarnation of the phoenix god.

Kalen's thoughts drifted back to the scared young woman with fiery red hair. He found it hard to believe she could be a danger to their world. She looked so innocent and confused, clearly lost and far from home.

Poor little dove, he thought, feeling sorry for her.

"We need to find out if she is a threat," Videre said firmly. "We should learn about where she came from and figure out how to send her back."

"Why risk the whole kingdom?" Ladryl argued. "We could just return her to the forbidden forest and let nature handle the rest. I don't trust humans."

"We're not savages, Ladryl," King Ardan said firmly. "We should consult the wise man from the north. He might have the answers we need. Kalen," the king said, looking at his brother, "we need to travel north and sort this out."

Kalen smiled, feeling both nostalgic and reassured. "Just like old times, brother?" he asked, showing their strong bond.

King Ardan gave a knowing smile, his gaze firm and confident. "Just like old times," he said, his voice full of trust and shared history.

Ladryl, standing to the side, shook his head in frustration. He clearly disapproved of the king's decision and was worried about the path they were taking.

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