The Marriage Proposal

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The man who was Lori's father walked towards the room where all his ministers were sitting. He entered the library everyone bowed in front of him, to give him respect as he was their king, although most of them knew he did not deserve respect, they were not powerful enough to go against him.

"I have an important matter to discuss, last night I received a letter from the King of the Night Kingdom" the king declared. Everyone was startled and shocked and started talking amongst themselves. The Night Kingdom was well known for its ruthless ruler, who did not spare one glance before killing anyone.

"What was the letter about?" asked one of the ministers. "The king proposes a marriage between himself and my daughter Lori" the king revealed. Everyone started talking amongst themselves again, they were all curious and anxious about the man's decision.

"Quiet everyone!" the king announced in a loud voice and everyone went quiet.

"The king says that the proposed marriage would bring peace to both the kingdoms, which have been in a silent war for 15 years now," he said, sighing, he didn't want to stay on bad terms with anyone, but he had no choice. After all, it was for the woman he loved the most.

"I have decided to accept the proposal, I will have a talk with my daughter soon, and I am sure she will agree, I want you to send a letter back stating that we have accepted the proposal, but do add the condition that the marriage should take place in my kingdom and not the Night Kingdom" The man declared and walked away and towards his daughter's room.

Lori was sitting by the window, thinking about how her life had turned out. Her father always treated her like dirt. She had no one, not even her mother to like her and love her, as she died when Lori was very young. The only time she left her room was when she was asked to leave.

Lori's room in the grand palace was a sight to behold. Her mother had designed it with love and care, and the result was a beautiful and peaceful space. The walls were painted with soft, light colours that created a calming atmosphere. The large windows with sheer curtains let in plenty of natural light, making the room feel warm and welcoming. In the centre of the room, there was a large and elegant canopy bed, adorned with detailed embroidery and delicate lace curtains. This bed was not just a piece of furniture, but a safe and comforting place where Lori could find peace.

Lori found comfort in the peaceful room that reminded her of her mother's love and care, even though she had passed away. This space provided her with a sanctuary from the harshness of the world outside.

Her thoughts were broken when someone entered her room, she looked back towards the door and saw it was her father. Her body shook, as fear gripped her. It was never good when her father visited her in her room. Her father stalked towards her in a stealthy way, which warned Lori about his intentions.

Lori quickly got to her feet and bowed in front of her father " What brings you here today?" she asked her voice cracking with anxiety.

" I want you to marry the King of Night Kingdom" he declared. Lori was shocked by the revelation she was still quite young to get married, and she had always dreamed of finding her one true love and marrying the man of her dreams, even though it was never bound to happen.

"B-but father, I am still young a-and I have heard that the King is very ruthless" She replied. A slap resounded in the room and Lori fell on her knees.

"You worthless child, you cannot deny, I did not ask for your opinion. The wedding will take place in the palace in about a week" the king said and left the room.

Lori sat on the floor holding her palm over her cheek, the slap made it numb, she then got up with determination, she had to do this if she ever wanted to be happy. She started following her father, she knew she would be punished, but she didn't care anymore, she had complied with whatever her father ordered because she loved him, but no longer.

Knocking at her father's door she waited. She went in and started not wanting to be beaten first

"Father, I am still a young girl, I do not wish to get married just yet" She tried sounding confident but it all came out shaky.

"What are you doing outside of your room, and who do you think you are to disobey my orders? Did I not mention that you cannot speak until you are asked to do so?"

He said coming closer and closer and slapped Lori. The ring on his finger cut her cheek. He kicked her in the stomach, pulled her with her hair and started slapping her.

All the while Lori was crying whimpering, begging with her eyes for him to stop.

Then he dragged her out of his room and towards the basement

"N-N-No f-father please n-not t-t-there" She tried but that just earned her another punch.

They reached the basement and he threw her on the basement floor.

"You are to stay here with no food for three days after which you will be brought out and given some rest since you will have to look healthy on your wedding day, I do not want any suspicious glances on me," He said and left.

Lori tried to plead with her father and screamed through the closed door.

"F-f-father please d-don't do this" but all in vain. She started crying her whole body was trembling. She felt weak from all the slaps and punches

She kept crying till she fell asleep.

It has been three days, Lori is extremely hungry, and she has also developed a fever. The door to the basement, and in came three maids, who helped Lori to her room, she was bathed and dressed and given food and medicines after which she fell asleep as her body was extremely fatigued.

Kraven received the letter from the Kingdom Of Eloria, he read it and slammed it on the table. 'Remember this Archibald Harrington, now that you have given your consent for the marriage, I will destroy the person you love the most, there seems to be some malice when you called me to your palace, but I am prepared for it all' he thought to himself and ordered his right-hand man to prepare departure to the Kingdom Of Eloria. "I am coming for you Archibald" whispered Kraven in his dark, deadly voice. 


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