Chapter 5

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Lori's POV

I got up from my bed to look who had knocked on the door so early in the morning. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I walked to the door and opened it.

A message from the King had been sent via Seraphina, who informed me that it was urgent.

Lori, You will not be leaving the Palace till I arrive, and also you will not be given any princess treatment, if you need anything, you must go and take it.


This was urgent? In my opinion, it was not urgent enough to disturb my sleep at 4 in the morning.

I started to dress myself and decided to make breakfast. I wear an admirable blue dress with an intricate lace design.

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Later, I explored the beautiful Gothic architecture of the palace.

It has been a week since Kraven left me abruptly in the library for reasons unknown. He mentioned that he won't be back for two weeks, but I wish he could return earlier. I want to get to know him better.

On the wedding day, he appeared calm and kind. I am now curious about what has changed. Suddenly, there is a commotion in the kitchen.

I get up and investigate the commotion, finding all the helpers bustling about, and organizing various items.

Seraphina's changing flowers in different vases. I ask what's going on. She says Kraven is returning in 30 minutes.

As my wish was completed, I expressed gratitude to God. I then retreated to my room and decided to spend some time with him. I intended to clear any misunderstandings between us and get to know him better. I also wanted him to get to know me.

I slip into a stunning pink gown that drapes elegantly down my body, with sleeves that dance with every movement. The neckline plunges daringly, yet tastefully, adding a touch of allure to my ensemble.

I rush out just in time to see him entering the palace. He is wearing a beautiful royal green robe and a belt with a carefully carved sword.

The sleeves of his robe are long, but his muscular hands are straining from them. I reminded myself to stop thinking about it; this was the time to get to know my husband.

I want to impress him and be seen for who I am, not my shortcomings. He's my only hope after my mother. All my life, I have been hearing deceiving and hurtful words from no one other than my father.

I strode purposefully towards Kraven's study and confidently declared my arrival. "Your Highness, it is imperative that I speak with you."

"I'm not in the mood to talk. Please come back later," he said, taking a seat and closing his eyes.

His eyes are framed by the most beautiful, long eyelashes that drape over them like delicate curtains.

"I'm really curious to get to know you better. Could you please explain to me what this misunderstanding is all about?" I asked, eager to understand.

"Come on, don't try to act innocent. You know how degraded your soul is. You are the most pathetic person I have ever seen." he insulted me.

I was caught off-guard by his insults and kept staring at him.

"I have never done anything to deserve your insults. You are the most pathetic person I have ever met. You acted as if you were compassionate towards me, only to make me feel bad later. You hate me without a reason, and that alone is enough for me to consider you a bad person," I said firmly. I have always been someone who silently endures insults, but not this time.

"Lori, dear, be careful of what you say or you may find yourself in trouble. Please leave now, or I will have the guards escort you out," he declared, giving me a cold glare. I didn't appreciate being insulted and so I left without uttering another word.

Feeling exhausted and down after the recent incident, I realized that the best thing for me was to get some rest. So, I decided to hit the hay and recharge my batteries for a fresh start tomorrow.

Slipping into a crimson nightgown, its long sleeves gracefully cascading to my ankles, I felt a gentle embrace of comfort. The rich red hue whispered of warmth against the night's cool embrace.

As soon down on the bed sleep engulfs me in its warm embrace and I feel my eyelids getting heavy.

My peaceful slumber abruptly shattered, and I jolted awake to a searing pain in my neck. Attempting to sit up, a firm hand pressed me back down.

My eyes widen as I see the scene unfolding before me. It's Kraven with his long canines pierced inside the sensitive skin of my neck. His beautiful grey orbs are now blood-red. The mere sight of him terrifies me so much that I shriek out loudly.

"Kraven, what are you doing?" I asked with a shaky breath

"Drinking your blood I was quite thirsty and had no humans around, so I decided why not taste my wife. By the way, you taste brilliant." He replied.

"Please, stop what are you doing? It's hurting, and I feel weak" I said in anticipation.

"You are getting punished for back-answering me, and it will hurt, feel weak, as I am going to drain out most of your blood" He stated.

I couldn't help but weep. He removed his teeth from my neck and stared at me. My first thought at that moment was to run away from everything.

" Oh, don't even think about running away from me, but let's say if you try-" His hand traced across my collarbone, revealing a tattoo. It was a tattoo of a black rose. "- this will keep you bound to me, now you won't be able to run away from me" He started laughing.

"Come to my chambers, tomorrow, you must complete some of your queenly duties." With that, he left.

Overwhelmed by weakness, I lacked the strength to rise from the bed. Tearfully, I remained there, my silent sobs echoing through the room. The line between wakefulness and sleep blurred, and I fell into slumber amidst my tears.

I awoke to the throbbing pain in my head, a testament to my unstoppable tears and the loss of blood. As I sat up in bed, the room was bathed in sunlight filtering through the open curtains. Yet, despite the abundance of light, my life felt enveloped in darkness—a profound abyss that seemed to deepen, pushing me further down. The descent into this darkness felt inevitable, a journey without a guiding light, and I feared it would persist until my last breath. At this moment, the prospect of someone pulling me into the light seemed like an unreachable dream.

I get up from the bed and make my way to the bathroom to get dressed up. I dress myself in a beautiful golden gown with a lace flowy skirt. I hear a knock on my door and Seraphina's head pops in.

"M'Lady, breakfast awaits, and thereafter, you are to meet the king," she informs me.

With a sigh, I gather my strength and proceed to step out of the room.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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