Chapter 4

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I changed into a beautiful green gown with puff sleeves. As I walked out of the bathroom, there was a knock on my door.

"My lady, it's me Seraphina, may I come in?" a voice came from behind the door.

"Sure, come in," I said

"Seraphina, I must go talk to his majesty, do you have any idea of his whereabouts?" I asked

"I am sorry m' lady, but maybe I can take you to his study, that is where he spends most of his time" She stated

"Thank you so much, let's go," I said, in order to avoid wasting my time, I wanted to end this misunderstanding as soon as possible.

Seraphina asked me to go into his study, and I did.

Kraven's study was like a cosy room filled with lots of books. The shelves were packed with old books, and a big wooden desk stood in the middle. The desk had carvings that looked like stories from a long time ago.

The air smelled like old books, and there was a fancy chair behind the desk. The room had a globe in one corner, showing that Kraven knew a lot about the world. It felt like a place where secrets and stories hid in the shadows, waiting to be discovered.

I started walking around, to look for Kraven, when I reached the third shelf, there was a man with his back facing me and I instantly recognized that it was him.

Kraven looked deeply lost in whatever he was reading. I quietly walked towards him and took a peek at what he was reading, while asking

"What are you reading?"

He spun around, shocked by my sudden appearance and abruptly closed the book he was reading.

" What are you doing here? Who allowed you to come in" He said in a loud demanding tone that suggested that he wasn't happy.

"Seraphina told me I could go in, so I came to speak with you about what happened some while back" I stated while pouting so that he would believe me.

"Who is Seraphina, to let you in? You should've asked me, and whatever happened back then is not up for discussion so leave. " He is still angry, it seems.

"Listen, I don't know what I did, but Your Majesty, I am really sorry for the crime I may have committed unknowingly, can we please move past it, and start again afresh?" I hope he says yes.

"Unknowingly, wow, what an excuse, if you are not going to leave, then I will," He said sarcastically before leaving.

I was left there alone thinking about what I knowingly did wrong when Kraven called out from the Library door.

"I won't be back for two weeks" With that he left. Wait a minute, did he say 2 weeks!? Where is he going?

I ran after him to ask the same question, but I tripped and fell and when I got up again he was long gone.

I walked up to my room and sat on my bed, thinking about what happened.

Why does this keep happening to me? It is unclear why my father abused me, and now my husband is mad at me, the reason is also unclear.

I started crying as the memories of the only happy time in my life came back to me. The time when my mother was alive and everyone loved me.

I am called by Seraphina to have my dinner, even at the dinner table I keep thinking about everything yet nothing.

I don't even understand when I finish my dinner. I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind.

"Seraphina, come on we will take a walk in the garden" I call out

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