The Meeting: Part Two

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Worn stone steps took us inside a circular room. The room wasn't like the others. The differences were strikingly obvious. It was made of rough stone, hollow and cold. Light came from small candles giving off white-blue flames. A long table sat in the entire, and dark-cloaked people sat around it.

I forced myself to raise my eyes from the ground they were focused on. Narcissa sat closest to me, with two empty chairs across her.
I recognized the face of Professor Snape. How did it feel to him that he was betraying Albus Dumbledore, the man who made him the man he is?
Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband, recently escaped from Azkaban, were seated next to a face I'd seen in 'Wanted' posters. Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf.
There weren't as many people as I expected, an outcome from Harry Potter's battle at the ministry, no doubt.

How strange of me to think of the boy I always scorned at the time I might die.
It brought silly memories; Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Albus Dumbledore and Astoria Greengrass. My stupid pranks and hexes all because of a few grudges and ill feelings. I forced myself to stop my minds wondering and focus.

At the end of the table, sat a man. No, not a man.
I nearly screamed.
I don't know what I expected. Maybe the dark, cold-eyed man in my dreams. With his cruel features that could turn hearts to stone.
No. This was no man.
It was deathly pale. It's fingers were long, with long nails. It's nose was exact like a snakes. And it's eyes - oh. It's eyes were slitted, an impossible blood red. Like the blood on it's hands. On his hands.
The Dark Lord. Voldemort.
Vol-de-mort. It translates to 'Escape From Death', in French. He was the one who escaped death.
I didn't want to appear shallow, but was it worth escaping from death to look like this? Like some grotesque snake-human?

I felt a shudder go through me. Nothing could have prepared me for today.

"Draco, we've been waiting for you."
His voice, high and icy, felt like nails across a sheet of ice.
His eyes flickered to me, and I felt like I would never be sane again. Secretly, I raised Harry Potter's status in my head, for facing this and surviving.
How strange of me to be thinking of The Boy Who Lived while facing the One Who Escaped Death. How strange of me to be thinking about Harry Potter at all.

I took a seat mechanically next to Draco. I found myself facing Bellatrix, with Snape a seat away from her. His eyes offered something, perhaps strength.

"And Emma Evergreen." The Snake spoke. "I must say, you have been spoken most highly of." Bellatrixes' eyes flashed, making it clear she had nothing to do with that department.

"It was my intention to end your life, Emma, but I was spoken out of it by your dear teacher, Severus." The Snake gestured a pale hand towards Snape and I felt a rush of gratitude to the man. But how simply the Snake spoke about ending my life. As if it was nothing more than the life of an animals.

"He has assured me, Emma, that you shall be a worthy and loyal follower. Times are difficult, and I am low on help. I am allowing you the grace to live on behalf of your servitude." The Snake inclined his head to me.
It was a grace to let me live and turn me into a killer.

"Tell me, Emma, what can you offer me?"
My head snapped up. I had nothing to offer. I was weak and pathetic. I wasn't brilliant at the dark arts. My family wasn't of any worldly benefit. My life wasn't important. I had nothing to offer.
One look from Snape told me that if I said any of my musings this would end painfully.

I forced myself to look at the Snake.
"I'm skilled at the dark arts. I'm intelligent. My mind doesn't rest. I'm loyal. I am determined. I will be of use to Draco at Hogwarts. I'm easier a spy because people trust me more than him. The teachers at Hogwarts would not suspect anything of me. I'm responsible and trustworthy. I won't betray you." My heart raced insanely in my chest.
A very slight nod from Snape and Narcissa alike told me I'd done the right thing.

Bellatrix Lestrange let out a peal of laughter. It rang across the stone chamber. "The only thing that sentence has convinced me of is that she is more a child than Draco," she sneered.
"You forget," I said icily, "that you were a child too. You too went to Hogwarts. You became loyal but you were not always so." I turned away from her face and faced the Dark Lord. "And I will be loyal to you," I promised.

"How strange," he murmured.
"I had no intent of branding you with the mark of my followers. That is for my trusted and those pure of blood only." I saw the man named Greyback shift in his seat, awkwardly. "But I have been convinced, by more than one." His eyes turned to the Malfoy's who cast their eyes downwards.

I saw the tiniest movement from Snape. He flicked his index upwards, and I stood immediately.
The cold man surveyed me. "Your arm," he said. I stretched out my left arm.

"Morsmordum engraviavo!"

I had barely stuck out my arm when an incredible pain rushed through it. My pale skin, stark against the black of my dress turned red. I cried out in pain. That's when I knew Draco lied. It didn't just hurt, it was excruciating. It felt like a white hot brand was being pressed against my skin and I was surprised it was not alight with flames.

I felt my knees go weak, and in my worst moment, I found myself thinking of the small group of children who had dared to oppose this creature. Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore; and I was trying to kill them both.

I steadied my legs. Harry Potter had fought this man before. I was not fighting him, and I was not weaker than Harry Potter. I would not fall. I felt my mind go surprisingly clear. The memory of the people I was against had helped me concentrate on something other than the pain.
And slowly, the pain faded to something manageable.

I straightened, felt air rush back into my lungs, and had the satisfaction of Bellatrix's smirk disappear.
The Dark Lord raised his ugly head.
"And so survives a worthy companion."
He inclined his bald head.

I struggled against confusing feelings inside me. I didn't know what to say. The pain in my arm hadn't gone away.

I took my seat next to Draco, and our hands found each other's at the same time. I gripped it tightly, and realized that I was absolutely terrified.

The meeting went on. We spoke of progress and ministry dealings. I didn't understand a lot of the talk. No one spoke to me and I was grateful for it. I wouldn't have been able to reply.

It was only towards the end that the Snake turned to Draco and I.
"You may leave the meeting," he said.
The two of us stood to go.
"I am watching you, very carefully," the Snake threatened.
I felt bile rise in my throat and forced back the urge to throw up.
"I will remember that," I promised.

It was only when I left that I realized my hair was the only colour in the room.

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