Epilogue : The Funeral

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The Funeral

It was the song that started it. The mermaids had their heads just inches below the waters surface, and were singing. The song was in Mermish, and I couldn't understand it, but there was no doubt as to what they were singing about. It sounded like loss and sadness, and it made my heart hurt to hear it.

It hadn't been hard to sneak into the funeral. Hogsmeade was overrun with people, all coming to pay respects to The Great Albus Dumbledore. The crowds made it easy for me to move along it and into the school.

The school would be empty today, and I needed to get inside to fetch certain sentimental items. I had my necklace, because I always wore it, but I wanted the rings I'd received from Draco, as well as a few things that would remind me of better times.
I wouldn't be coming back here.

My hair was back to dark brown. Narcissa had made me change it back, telling me it was for the best. In all my misery inflicted over the past day, I didn't bother to argue. It made me stand out a lot less, and I think I was grateful for that.

Slipping out of the Malfoy house had not been so easy. Draco and I had not been allowed to leave. We were at our wits end, waiting for You-Know-Who to suddenly appear and give us our promised punishment for failing. Truthfully, we hadn't been of much use to each other, each one preferring to dwell in their misery alone.

I managed to leave the house earlier that morning, Disapparating to Hogsmeade. It was there that I joined the flurry of people leaving for Hogwarts. In a long, trailing black cloak of Narcissa's with an oversized hood, I was well hid. I was wanted by the ministry, and I couldn't be seen by anyone,

So I contented myself with watching from afar. There were so many people, I had difficulty finding the one's I came to search for, but I did eventually. Daphne and Astoria were sitting together, holding hands. What did Daphne think of me now, I wonder? How did she feel now that she knew what I'd been up to all year? Probably betrayed, probably like she never knew me.
Astoria too. I knew she had a little crush for Draco. What would she be feeling now?

Everywhere, people were holding hands and holding each other. No one wanted to be alone today.

But the one I really came to see was sitting all alone. Zayn was watching Hagrid carry Dumbledore's body, his face expressionless. He was pale, as if he was in shock, and I had no doubt that he was. He had undoubtedly heard what had happened that night. I probably seemed like a stranger to him now. I was supposed to be his best friend. I wished I could go and talk to him, but I knew I couldn't.

My family would find out soon enough, if they hadn't already. The news of Dumbledore's death had spread far and wide, but I wasn't sure if everyone outside of Hogwarts already knew who was responsible for it. The reaction of my family when they realized I wasn't on the train back home, and when they found out that I was instrumental in the death of Dumbledore, wasn't going to be good. The only reassurance I had was that I wouldn't be around to see their faces.

A slight breeze made my hood rise up, and I quickly pulled it back down over my face. The man who had been giving a sort of speech had stopped talking. Suddenly, bright white flames leapt around Dumbledore's body. They rose higher and higher, until they covered him completely, and when they disappeared, a white tomb was encasing his body.

My hand reached up almost automatically to grasp the fire opal necklace that was a gift from Zayn. 'Stay strong, Emma, stay strong.'

A shower of arrows appeared suddenly, shot from the trees, and I realized that the centaurs too had said their goodbyes.

As for me, I only had one thing to say.
"I'm sorry," I whispered to Albus Dumbledore, and I turned to leave for good.


Thank you soo much... All you darling humans, for supporting me through the story. Your comments and votes keep me going!
I'm sorry for how pathetically slow my updates are sometimes, so thank you for bearing with me.
There will be a sequel, revolving around The Deathly Hallows. It will probably be shorter than this one, but I'll update weekly, on a Sunday, most likely. (I should have made that my motto since the beginning, but better late than never.)
I would appreciate it, though, if you could comment on whether you think there should be sequel in any case.
Once again, thank you. Hugs and kisses to all. Ily xoxoxo 😘

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