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I ran through the corridors, almost knocking Mrs Norris over as I did. I didn't stop to check if I was in trouble, I just ran to the seventh floor. Draco would stay in the Room of Requirement more often now that we were getting desperate.

I wasn't sure what to think of my relationship with Draco anymore. There were times when he was the nicest person, and in those times I had hopes that he would be a good person one day. But other times he would be the worst person, saying the most hurtful things. And then there were the times when he needed my comfort, and I was happy to provide it, but usually afterwards he would return to his ungrateful, sullen self. It made my heart ache and made me furious at the same time.

I rushed into the room, my footsteps echoing loudly on the floor. I knocked over a box full of old books as I went. They clattered on the floor and one of them issued a thin stream of grey smoke as it lay.

I bumped into Draco as I bounded around a corner. He caught my arm and steadied me.
"Draco," I breathed a sight of relief.
He gave me an odd look. "Why do you sound so relieved to see me?"
I fought to catch my breath. "I'm not -relieved, just -glad to have caught you."

He turned his back almost immediately and went to straighten the books I'd dropped.
"I need to speak to you," I explained.
"Speak then," he said, unemotionally.
So it would be one of those moods.

"Potter is spying on us."
He turned in surprise. "Now?" he asked, glancing instinctively to his side.
"No, don't be silly. I meant earlier on today. He was in the corridor. I think he was trying to get in."
He arched his pale eyebrows. "Did he manage to get it?" he asked.
"Well, no, I don't think so..."
"Then there's nothing wrong, is there?" he snapped.

I turned my face away from him, running my fingers through the dust covering a couple of broomsticks. I fought to control my tone. "I was only saying," I explained patiently, "that it wouldn't be very safe if he managed to get in and we were still busy trying to fix the cabinet."
Draco didn't answer me.
"Speaking of the cabinet, you haven't called me to help in a while."
The shuffling of papers stopped immediately.

"Draco." My voice had dropped dangerously in suspicion. "Why haven't you called me?"
"We were away for Christmas," he answered curtly.
I stopped tracing patterns into the dust and turned to him. His back was towards me, but his hands were clenched on his sides.
"You stopped asking me to join you a while before the holidays." Very much against my will, my voice shook.

"You weren't a full Death eater then," he said.
I glared daggers at him, but he still hadn't turned around. "Those are excuses," I said coldly, my voice shaking with anger. "Those are excuses from someone who wants attention. Glory. Someone who doesn't care about hurting others along the way, so long as he gets what he wants."

Draco turned warily. "That's not true."
"It is true!" I shouted, my anger peaking. "It's true and you know it. Why else would you keep everything so secret from everyone you know? Professor Snape, your aunt, even your mother! You didn't tell any of them."
My throat felt constricted with hurt.
"I bet," I said softly, "that if you had a choice, you wouldn't have told me either. You would have left me to die."

"Emma, you're being-"
"No!" My voice bounced off the walls. "I'm so sick and tired of you using me! Every day, every second. Who's the one who comes up with all the plans? Who supported you through all of this, even before I was threatened? Who's the one who held you when you cried, and had no one to comfort you? Who, Draco? Tell me who!"

I was screaming by then, and it was only through a great effort that I managed to not let any tears spill.

Draco made no effort to say anything. He stood uncomfortably, his hands in his pockets. The sight of him looking so nonchalant, not even bothering to defend himself pushed my rage to the limit, and without realizing it, I was screaming the three words I never thought I'd care enough to say to anyone.

"I hate you! I hate you!"

I saw pain flash across his face for a split second. It was fleeting, but it was there.

"Leave!" I shouted at him. "Your pride and your ambition and your selfishness. You make me sick! Get out! Leave me alone!"

Draco paused for one moment, opening his mouth to speak, but then the moment was over and he was storming away from me, his cloak flowing behind him as he walked.

And I crumpled to the floor, hating Draco Malfoy with every inch of my soul.

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