The Breakdown

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I froze. No. No. It couldn’t be possible. Never. I was dreaming. This couldn’t be happening. “Emma...” Draco began. “No!” I screamed. I jumped up from my chair. “Reducto!” I yelled, pointing my wand at the door. The door shattered and disintegrated. I leaped through the door and ran, blindly. I didn’t even know where I was going. I simply ran.

 found myself in my old spot. The unused classroom with the descendable staircase. I sat on the crate, unable to think. I don’t even remember the last time I cried, it was that long ago. I didn’t think I had any tears anymore. So I just sat and stared at the table. I slowly climbed back up the stairs and then I went insane. I completely lost all my rationality. I kicked at the chairs and tables until they fell. I smashed a vase into pieces. I ripped the hangings on the window. Ripped the pages out of the few books that stayed there.  I grabbed a pice of glass from the vase and gripped it in my hand until my vision went blurry with pain. I stuffed my robes in my mouth and screamed until I couldn’t anymore. Until my throat burned and I had no more voice. I trampled on crushed glass and dug my nails onto the sides of my forehead. Then I just fell no the floor and fell asleep.

When I woke up, sunlight was streaming through the window. I had a pounding headache. My left hand was burning and bleeding. There was a small pool of dark and sticky blood next to it. I pulled out a pice of dark blue glass from my palm and wrapped my hand in my tie. The charmed watch in my pocket said it was 12:00pm. I practically dragged myself to the closest bathroom. I ran my hand under the water and gritted my teeth as it stung. The water turned pink. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked awful. Around my temples was dried blood from where I’d dug my nails into. My eyes looked dead. My hand - oh my god, my hand was covered in dried blood and there was a gash in it that I was sure was rather deep. I took a deep breath and walked to the hospital wing.

The halls were mercifully empty because it was Tuesday. Everyone was in their classrooms. I wouldn’t have minded my invisibility cloak but there was no way I was going to the common room looking like this. The hospital wing was empty. Madam Pomfrey was cleaning up a hospital bed. She looked up when I entered. Her eyes widened with alarm. “Yes?” she asked. She set down the pillow she was holding and took a few steps towards me. “Uh... I think I... cut my hand. Accident.” My head felt woozy. I showed her my hand. “This is terrible! Why didn’t you come to me sooner?" she asked. "I-" I swayed and would have fell face down had I not gripped the edge of a bed. My vision went pale, like looking through frosted glass. The last thing I remember was Madam Pomfrey bustling around and muttering someting about fainting and stress.

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