My Worst Birthday

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The common room emptied earlier than usual, except for my gang (well it's not my gang but you do know what I mean) and a couple of others. Crabbe and Goyle were paused in the middle of playing chess, Blaise was reading a book, and everyone was cheerfully watching the Greengrass sisters dance around the room. Astoria apparently was not shy to do it — as I thought she would be. They laughed and spun around in one form. I didn't know if they had practiced before or were just natural at it but they were great.

Halfway through them doing some sort of Irish dance, I was interrupted by Malfoy. He was looking very pale, paler than usual, and he seemed nervous. "I need to talk to you," he said. "So speak," I said. "In private," he clarified. I glanced at the sisters and shrugged. "Okay." I got up reluctantly and followed him out of the door. We walked down a few passages. "Where are we going?" I asked. He didn't answer. I followed him into a classroom. He shut the door behind him and locked it. Why would he lock the door? "What're-" "Hello Miss Evergreen," Professor Snape said. I whirled around. "Oh," was all I could say. "Uhm, am I in trouble again?" I asked. "I swear I didn't do anything today. If it's about the water fight, I'm really sorry but I did clean it up and-" He held up a hand to silence me. "You're not in trouble," he said calmly. "You're... I'm not?" I said. He shook his head.

"Firstly, happy birthday," he said. I narrowed my greenish eyes.  Professor Snape was not the type to give out 'Happy Birthdays'. Then, I hadn't thought he was the type to lure unsuspecting students of his into locked rooms. Creepy. "Thanks," I finally said. "So, what's this about?" I asked. "Leave the room Mr Malfoy," Snape said, not taking his eyes off me. "But-" "Leave." Snape and Malfoy had some kind of staring contest. "I'll be outside," Malfoy said. A second before he left, he glanced at me and I saw panic written across his face. I stuffed my hands in my pockets to stop them shaking. It can't be that bad... Can't be that bad... Can't be that... I couldn't be that. No, not what I was thinking... He wouldn't. They wouldn't. I shot a frantic glance at him but the door clicked behind him.

"Miss Evergreen, I need you to listen to this carefully," Professor Snape began, "what I'm about to tell you is of unexplainable important. Although it is probable that with your wit you already know why you were called here, I ask that you do not interrupt me until I am done. If you have a question, wait until I'm finished. Do you understand?" he asked. I nodded. He nodded too. "Good, let's begin," he said. "A few weeks ago, Mr Malfoy here ad told me something I wished to refuse to believe. He had, of course, been keeping it a secret for a very long time. No-one has been told, no-one should be told. It took a great deal of time for any of our people who had not been told to realise what you did. You, however, Miss Evergreen, had managed to learn all of this by barely any hints or clues at all. You found out what Draco is and what he has to do — certainly more than I would have expected, had I anticipated you'd to learn of this at all, which I had not. Had we, of course, anticipated suspicion among his close friends, we would have taken far more precautions, which would have become nasty. Do not interrupt me please," I had opened my mouth to speak.
"I have been in contact wit my people over the past two weeks, and I am afraid I have... terrible news." I froze. "No-one could find out at Hogwarts. No-one could be told. This should never have happened." I couldn't move.
"The Dark Lord has ordered me to do something now which I wish I never had to do." My heart began beating very fast, my breathing picked up pace.
"I do regret this deeply. Please understand." My heart skipped several beats. They were talking about death. They would have to kill me. For knowing. I was going to die. My worst fear. I would have to die. Now. I... I was going to die! I wasn't even sure my heart was beating. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. My chest hurt.
"It took a long time to persuade him to do this to you. He was very reluctant. It is better than the alternative, though." What? Snape had told him to do this? Him? He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named him?
"I had to assure him that you were very worthy; that you were an astounding student." Wait... what? My entire world spun around. But what did he mean?
"You and Draco will have to cooperate with each other. You will not tell any one of this. I'm afraid you have no choice. I am truly sorry, Miss Evergreen. It was better than the alternative and the Imperius Curse would not have the effect needed for you not to speak of this. As I have said, this is the Dark Lord's orders-" "I'm sorry!", I exploded. "What are you talking about?" I couldn't breath. He couldn't... No, he wouldn't...  Snape's eyes narrowed as they bore into mine.

"You have to become a death eater." 

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