What If........Dipper took on Ford's Apprenticeship?

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The Author: Ah Gravity Falls, Oregon, home to weirdness galore, from talking gnomes, to zombies to one eyed demons with top hats, its a chaotic place to live in, but our story takes place at a important point in time, one that shook the fate of the pines Family.

In your reality, Mabel Pines, ridden with the fear of being apart from her twin brother, ran off, not knowing that she has possession of a unstable rift, giving it to the Demon of Nightmares causing the anomaly known as Weirdmageddon, but in time The Pines Family and their allies fought back and took back the falls. But also Dipper and Mabel returned home together.

But in this timeline, things played out differently, Mabel doesn't let her fear consume her, and ultimately accepts the outcome, she's happy for Dipper, truly, but at what cost exactly.

End of Summer approaches, Mabel was packing her things up, souvenirs of her and Dipper's time here, you know.

Knock, knock, can I come in, Dipper said.

Yeah, Mabel replied.

So, you feeling alright, nervous to leave Gravity Falls......without me, Dipper asked.

Well, a little bit, it won't be the same without you back home, Mabel replied.

Don't worry, we'll still be in contact, calls, texts, heck, even good ol letters, Dipper said.

I know, but I'll be starting High School, alone, its a whole new chapter for us, but we can't experience it together, Mabel replied.

Don't worry, Mom and Dad are there if you have concerns about High School, and if you still fell unsure, you'll have Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford there if you need advice, Dipper ensured.

Okay. good to know, I just wished Waddles could come with me, Mabel said with sadness in her eyes.

Mabel, I wished he could, but you'll know Mom and Dad wouldn't accept a pig in the house, but don't worry, I promise I'll take care of him for you, Dipper offered.

Thank you, just make sure you two video call us when you have the time, okay, promise me, promise me that we don't wound up like Grunkle Stan and Ford, being distant from one another as we get older, Mabel replied.

I won't let that happen between us, I'll make sure of that, Dipper insisted.

Awkward Sibling Hug, Mabel said.

*Sighs* Awkward Sibling Hug, Dipper replied.

*Dipper and Mabel go in for one last Awkward Sibling Hug for what could be a long time. 

(pat, pat) Both Dipper and Mabel said in unison.

Just then Grunkle Stan approached the door, Hey kiddo, the bus is here, you ready? Stan asked.

Mabel saw the duffle bag next to Grunkle Stan, Are you leaving The Mystery Shack? Mabel asked.

Yeah, once you leave to go back home, I have to shut down The Mystery Shack for good and give it back to my brother, and as for me, I don't know where I'll go, I'm banned in most states, so I don't have a lot of options to choose from, but I'll see what's out there for me, Stan said.

And What about Soos, and Wendy? Mabel asked.

Well, they'll have to find new jobs elsewhere, can't say much, I can really only give them recommendations for future applicants, guess this it, huh, Stan replied.

Maybe, you could come with me, Mabel suggested.

Eh, I don't want to be a burden to your folks, and besides, I might be banned in Cali for a stunt I did back in the day, so there's that, Stan answered Mabel.

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