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My phone vibrates on my bedside table as I receive a text from Wendy.

Wendy: I spent the day with Stan. We worked things out and have agreed to stay as just friends. I hope that's ok w you ilysm

Bebe: omg that's so good to know I've lowkey been waiting for u to break up

Wendy: I also have a surprise for you at skl tmmr


Wendy: Nah u will have to wait anyways I gotta go Byee ilyy

Bebe: ily more xx

Before when we used to say 'ily' it was in a best friend way but slowly my 'I love you's turned into love.

I decide to make another letter. I reach into my school bag and pull out an empty notebook. I tear out a page and start writing in my neatest handwriting.

After 15 minutes of thinking and writing this is what the letter reads:

People say home is the place where you live but I find home in you, my love.
I find home wrapped in your arms
I find home in the sugary scent that radiates off your body
I find home in everything about you
You make me feel safe and secure just like a home should
I love you, beautiful girl

I zip open my pencil case and dig around for my favourite pastel pink highlighter. I draw perfectly sized hearts, each one unique and beautiful in its own way. They all have slight imperfections which I think make them more special and meaningful.

I fold the letter in half and shove it in the bottom of my school bag along with my pencil case and notebook.

That night I sleep well. I bathe in the scent of Wendy that clings to my pyjamas from the previous night. I breathe in the smell of her perfume deeply until I drifted off to sleep.


Light shines through the gap under my door as I get out of bed. I wrap a blanket around my shoulders as I walk to the bathroom to get ready for school.

After 25 minutes of dealing with the pure torture of curly hair and getting straight eyeliner, I'm almost ready to go.

I pull on a lacey long sleeve shirt and low rise bootcut jeans. I clasp necklaces around my neck and slide rings past my nails onto my fingers.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder while rushing down to grab breakfast off the kitchen counter. I swipe my keep cup of hot chocolate and a piece of toast and dash out the door.

When I finally arrive at school I weave in between large groups of people. I pass my locker and only stop once I get to Wendy's.

I slip the letter inside her locker and walk away feeling pleased with myself.

After couple minutes of standing alone and repeatedly applying, Wendy suddenly appears in my vision.

Her hair swings while gently brushing her shoulders. It shines even in the dim lighting of the school.

'Woah' I breathe as she approaches me.

'Do you like it?' Her blue eyes twinkle.

'I love it so much! It gorgeous. I mean- you're gorgeous' I struggled to finish that sentence without exploding.

She smiles gratefully as her cheeks tint a light shade of pink. I hope I'm not imagining this.


Bebe twirls my hair between her fingers and I feel a tingling feeling rise up my body.

That fizzing feeling bubbles up into my cheeks, instantly burning an extremely thin layer of skin off.

My lips slightly crack as I smile even though they are layered in a thick layer of lip balm.

I reach into my bag and pull out the letter I found inside my locker. I have yet to read the words it contains.

'Bebe I found this in my locker! I haven't read it yet so let's read it together!' I notice a shift in her eyes as I say that but she quickly snatches the paper out of my hand.

Her eyes scan over it and her mouth curls into a small smile as she reads each word.

'Damn Wendy this is some good shit.' She hands it to me so I can read it.

I read over the perfectly crafted poem that sits before me. My bottom lip lowers slightly after each beautifully written line.

I gasp and mutter under my breath.

'I'm determined to figure out who wrote this!' I say confidently as I grab Bebes hand in mine and walk like a model down the busy halls.

I lean my head into Bebes neck and  I feel her body tense up then soften.

I think I'm noticing something I've never noticed before.



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