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For this chapter I totally recommend listening
to swan song by Lana del rey. It kinda just fits the vibe <3


That night I lay in bed with large bundles of thoughts running around my mind. Each bundle is a different part of Bebe.

Her voice, her face, how kind she is, everything.

I just let those thoughts happen. I don't try to block them out. Even though I'm struggling to sleep because of how busy my mind is, I still feel calm.

I hear a faint tapping sound that I chose to ignore until the tapping becomes aggressive banging. I get out of bed and hear the muffled voice of a girl I know.

That girl happens to be Bebe knocking on my window hanging off of a tree branch. I laugh with disappointment on my face but she seems  desperate to get inside.

My window squeaks as I open it and she tumbles inside.

'What was the all about?' I question.

'Sorry my gorgeous beautiful girl I just missed you a lot' She admits while blushing. I also can't help but blush.

She stands there awkwardly in a baggy 'Norman Fucking Rockwell' shirt and fluffy Hello Kitty pants. Her shoes are coated in mud and her hands are dirty.

Even though her hair is frizzy and her lips are chapped, I don't care. I lift myself up onto the top of my toes and reach up to her face.

I cup her cheeks in my hands and pull my face to hers. She immediately kisses back.

'You look so pretty right now, my love.' I say.

'Nah, I look like a fucking gorilla right now.' She says while having a proper look at what I look like.

I stand there in my matching pink silk pyjama set.

She reaches into the corner of my room next to my CD player.

'Ahh I've been looking for this for an eternity! I knew I left it here.' She pulls out her favourite Lana Del Rey CD.

Instead of taking it and putting it with her bag, she turns on my cd player and inserts the album.

'Swan song' fills the room as she grabs a hold of my hand and twirls me around.

She dips me down while dedicating the occasional lyric to me. Our lips often meet.

I love just watching her enjoy herself and be herself. She lets her body flow to the music in a careless way.

Bebe grabs a hold of my waist and sings the lyrics to me.

'Nothing can stop the two of us. Let's just get lost, it's what we want!' Her voice angelically floats through the air. 

I close my eyes and let myself move. I stretch my arms out and start singing along even though I don't know the lyrics. I don't care if I look silly.

The CD moves onto the next song. That night we spent ages swaying each other around without a care in the world.

My lips feel dry but moist at the same time. I collapse on my bed and instantly fall asleep. I forgot that Bebe is laying on my floor waiting for me to sleep.

I feel a small kiss on my forehead just as I drift off. This is one of those many nights with Bebe I will never forget.

I am still unsure if Bebe ever left my bedroom then but all I know is that I could still smell her scent when I woke up.

I am so sorry I haven't been posting chapters as much I've just been rlly busy with school and stuff

I bet I'll be able to post most once school ends :)

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