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The whole entire day I feel Wendy's eyes burn into my eyes as we continually make eye contact. Her eyes form the same shape mine did when I first realised I was deeply in love with her.

A pinch of hope settles in as everything around me suddenly brightens.

I need to do small things to encourage her to make a move back.

I 'accidentally' roll my pencil across the table. I then reach over to it but as I lean over Wendy's lap I lock eyes with her. She hastily looks away as I lightly rest my hand on hers.

I see a slight sparkle in the middle of her beautiful eyes that reflects off the edges of her long lashes.

I lightly brush a strand of hair out of her face while rubbing the side of my hand over her cheek.

'Bebe?' She whispers.

'Yeah? What's up?'

'I kind of wish you wrote that love letter to be honest.' Her confidence builds as she says each word.

'This might be a shock to you but... it actually was me.' We both go silent for a few seconds.

She breaks the silence by grabbing my hand.

Wendy then stands up and speed walks out the room, still tightly gripping my wrist.

She throws me into an empty classroom and shuts the door behind herself.

I think I might know what is going to happen.


I sit in a table and Bebe shuffles next to me.

I open my mouth to say what I've been planning on saying but I'm instantly cut off.

'Wendy, I've loved for so long. Most of those years I didn't even know I did. I've spent ages trying to hold myself back from smashing my lips against yours. Every word in those poems was true. I love you, Wendy Testaburger.' She breathes heavily in between sentences.

Before I can properly think about it, my lips collide with hers.

Her soft lips mould around mine perfectly. Her nose lightly touches mine.

I melt into this moment until I really need to sneeze. I quickly jump up, making sure not to sneeze on Bebe.

We both burst out laughing while grabbing onto each other's shoulders.

We lean into each other, making our lips meet once again.

'I never though this would ever happen to me!' Bebes eyes widen.

'Are we still best friends?' I ask, only half serious.

'Your my best girlfriend! Wait- we are not girlfriends yet, are we?' She asks.

'Would you like to be?'

'Holy shit. Wendy fucking Testaburger actually likes me back.' Her laugh bounces off her chest.

We both spent ages just laughing and kissing. I feel a sense of shock and surprise set in yet it feels normal.

This moment feels like it should have happened ages ago.

Love letters (BebexWendy)Where stories live. Discover now