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Our story begins like so many others before it, it starts with a murder. Or so it would have if events played out as they had been intended to.

3rd Person POV

Duchess Satine Kryze sat uncomfortably next to the throne she once ruled her homeworld from. She watched helplessly as her love, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was dragged into the room by the Death Watch guards Maul controlled with an iron fist. The guards pushed Obi-Wan to his knees, "Your noble flaw is a weakness shared by you and your Duchess. You should have chosen the dark side, Master Jedi." Maul said as he stood up choking the Duchess with the force as they approached the prisoner, "Your emotions betray you, your fear, and yes your anger, let your anger deepen your hatred!" Maul growled, "Don't listen to him, Obi!" Satine pleaded, "Quiet." Savage growled until that moment he had seemed relatively unimpressed by the situation. In fact, if he had it his way, the city would be burning and he and his brother would be moving on to destroy more worlds. Maul motioned to his brother to be silent as his rival began to speak. "You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side, only the weak embrace it!" Obi-Wan said, "It is more powerful than you know." Maul growled insaulted that anyone thought him weak. "And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be." Obi-Wan said causing the Sith to growl, "I know where you're from, I've been to your village. I know the decision to join the dark side wasn't yours. The Nightsisters made it for you.", "Silence!" Maul snapped angrily as the mere mention of those witches was enough to send him into a rage, "You think you know me? It was I who languished for years thinking of nothing but you, nothing but this moment!" Maul growled brandishing the hilt of his Dark Saber, "And now the perfect tool for my vengeance is in front of us." the Sith said as he backed slowly to the helpless Duchess, "I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain, Kinobi." he growled as he raised his arm choking the Duchess before igniting the saber in his hand, the Sith pulled the Duchess to him and impale her. In that moment Obi-Wan couldn't hold back any longer. He let out a powerful scream sending the guards flying. In a rage, Obi-Wan pulled the Duchess and Savage's lightsaber to him. The Zabrak warrior rushed at the Jedi determined to kill him and please his brother, but instead was bisected by his own blade. the Zabrak looked at his killer and saw the rage in his tear-filled eyes before he fell to the ground. Maul roared in rage, he lunged at his foe, but Kenobi let go of the saber pike as the Dark Saber made contact, and as one blade closed Maul watched in horror as Kenobi ignited the second blade through his head. Maul fell over dead, but learning from his past failure he beheaded the Sith siblings. Obi-Wan threw aside the saber pike and collected the Dark Saber, he sprinted to a speeder hoping to take the Duchess to a nearby medical facility. "Remember my dear Obi-Wan, I've loved you always. I always will." Satine said as she fainted, "Satine hold on!" Obi-Wan said as he held her hand while he flew at top speed to save her life. Unbeknownst to the Jedi Master he was using a technique he'd never used before, Force healing, he wasn't doing much, but the healing he was providing was enough to keep the woman he loved alive.

After getting Satine into a bacta tank the medical droids quickly got to work to save her life. As the Jedi sat outside the Duchess' room he contemplated what he had done, striking out in anger is not the Jedi way, but he couldn't bear to see the woman he had loved harmed, after all, he had thought about leaving the order for her. "I have fallen, but I will rise again more powerful than before." Obi-Wan said as he gripped the Dark Saber, "Master Jedi, the Duchess will live, she has been placed in a coma to aid her recovery." a medical droid said, "Very good, contact me with any news." Obi-Wan instructed before leaving.

The rest of the war continued as usual, but instead of Ahsoka going to Mandalor to capture Maul, she went with Padme and, by extension, Obi-Wan to Mustofar to confront her former master, but left shortly after Anakin Force choked Padme, taking her to Polis Massa. Obbi-Wan and Anakin's duel was significantly shorter since he used the Dark Saber in conjunction with his normal saber. He cut off both Anakin's arms and legs before taking Anakin's ship to Polis Massa. After the Skywalker twins were born and named, Obi-Wan received word that Satine was awake and had requested to see him.

Obi-Wan POV

I took Luke with me to the medical facility I Satine was being held in. "Satine!" I said as I entered her room, "Obi I have..." Satine began to say before locking eyes on Luke, "Care to explain?" she said as she pointed to Luke, "The boy is the son of my former Padawan, I was going to take him to Tatooine to be raised by his aunt and uncle." I explained, "Bring him here."  she said as she took Luke from me, "Obi-Wan, I'd like you to stay on Mandalor with me. I'll be needing additional protection." she said as she rubbed her belly, "When I woke up I learned I was pregnant. I suppose that night we shared was more magical than we thought. I know that the order is your life, but our daughter needs her father." she said, "Satine, the order is gone. The Jedi are gone and I am lost." I said she placed her free hand on mine, "Not anymore. Why don't we raise Luke and the baby here on Mandalor." she said, "I think that for the best. Maybe being with you was always where I was always meant to be." I said.

3rd Person POV

After a few months, the new couple had their baby, a little girl Satine named Aayla. Obi-Wan was surprised that she would name their child after a Jedi Knight, but that wasn't the case, she just liked the name. However, the family was forced to leave Mandalor due to rising threats and hostile actions by the Death Watch. They moved to a small world called Axista. Obi-Wan took a job as a teacher at a college on the planet, and while Satine couldn't immediately go to work, she became a low-level politician overseeing the schooling of young children and housing plots. She was used to far more demanding tasks, but she was grateful for the position she held. Obi-Wan hid his saber underground, Anakin's saber was kept in a secure lock box that only Obi-Wan and Satine knew the code for, and the Dark Saber was kept on the mantle, but Obi-Wan kept the activation switch on his person at all times. The family was happy, they had a small, but lovely home on a world full of gorgous scenery, and best of all they were far from the core worlds and from the Empire.

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