Chapter 2

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Obi-Wan POV

For three short years, I trained my children to use the Force and follow its will. Luke hated meditating, he was similar to his father in that regard, and often fell asleep during meditation. However, Aayla enjoyed meditation, she often comments on how calming of an effect it has on her. And Satine likes how quiet the kids are allowing her to get work done. As a wedding gift, Satine built us a "training" house out in the woods that resembled a dojo at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, it was mostly used for that, but it was still a house and had everything we needed for long training stints. "Today we will begin your greatest test yet. All your skills will be tested. The winner shall receive this." I said as I placed the prize on the floor before me.

"What is it, Daddy?" Aayla asked, "This is a lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi, it's not as clumsy or random as a blaster

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"What is it, Daddy?" Aayla asked, "This is a lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi, it's not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon from a more civilized age." I explained, "The Jedi?" Luke asked, "For over a thousand generations they were the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic, before the dark times, before the Empire." I said as I used the Force to hand both children a wooden saber, they stood and took their favored fighting stance, Aayla took the opening stance of form three Soresu, while Luke favored form five Djem So. "Begin!" I said. Luke was the aggressor hoping to take advantage of his sister's more defensive stance and form, but Aayla parried his forward strike and spun around him so they were back to back and locked her brother in place by lacing her leg around his so neither could easily escape. They each tried to strike the other, but they'd blocked every attempt, eventually, Luke got fed up and kicked Aayla's leg off allowing them to separate. They battled for a while before trying to Force Push each other and I realized that their battle was very similar to how my duel with Anakin went, after they failed to push each other Aayla jumped onto a tall pile of mats, "It's over Luke! I have the high ground!" Aayla said, "You underestimate me, sister, you underestimate my power!" Luke said before jumping, I knew what was about to happen, I taught them the importance of the high ground, but shockingly when Aayla struck at Luke's limbs he blocked and locked blades with her on equal footing, "Obi, have you seen my communicator?" Satine asked drawing my attention away, along with the attention of the children if not for a brief moment allowing Luke to knock Aayla off the mats and put his saber to her throat, "I win." Luke said, "That's not fair! Mom interrupted!" Aayla complained, "Aayla, you lost the bout, but there is honor to be found in defeat." I said as Luke ignited the saber, "Mom look what Dad gave me!" Luke said, "Oh, how lovely, Obi-Wan dear may I speak with you for a moment?" Satine said.

Aayla POV

"YOU GAVE HIM A LIGHTSABER! HE'S SIX OBI-WAN!" Mom yelled, "Mom's really mad, I don't think Daddy can talk his way out of this one." I said sadly, "Sis do you feel that?" Luke asked suddenly I felt overwhelming darkness and a deep cold, "Yeah." I said, "Let's go check it out." he said as he hooked his saber to his belt, "I don't think that's a good idea." I said, "What are you scared? I get it scardey cat." he mocked, "I'm not scared, nerf herder." I said as I dragged him out of the dojo.

We were drawn to our home and found a strange man standing outside our house.

"Hey! Get away from my house!" Luke shouted as he marched out of our hiding spot, "Dank Farrik

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"Hey! Get away from my house!" Luke shouted as he marched out of our hiding spot, "Dank Farrik." I said annoyed as the man drew a lightsaber and ignited crimson blades.

" I said annoyed as the man drew a lightsaber and ignited crimson blades

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I was terrified, but I didn't know why. Maybe it was because I could see my older brother afraid, maybe it was because of the darkness radiating from the man before me. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't cry out in fear, I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn't move. Suddenly I felt something calling to me. I hesitantly reached out and the old saber hilt that sat collecting dust on our mantle flew through a window and into my hands it was missing a piece, but I knew it didn't matter. I was still afraid, but now I could help my brother until our father could get to us. I walked out and ignited the flat black blade. "We need to get as close as possible to Dad. He can help." I whispered and for once in his life, Luke agreed with me. We both adopted a defense-focused stance. It was a variation of form three that was purely defensive in nature. The man lunged at us and before his saber blades could hit us we jumped over him and attempted to strike him in the back, but he kicked Luke knocking him out, "LUKE!" I shouted, "I'll make you pay!" I snapped angrily as I pulled Luke's saber into my hand. I jumped to attack but the man choked me with the Force, "D-Daddy h-help me!" I muttered before my sabers were pulled from my hands and my father appeared, "SATINE GRAB THE KIDS!" Daddy yelled as he blocked the man's attacks, but with a swift motion, he cut off the man's arm and cut through his saber. The man retreated and Mom ran to us, "M-MOMMY!" I cried as my mother hugged me, "Shh, it's alright sweetie, you're both safe now." she said as she pulled Luke into the hug, but he was still dazed, "Mom, she called me a Nerf Herder again." Luke said.

Satine POV

"Mom c-can I sleep with you and Daddy tonight?" Aayla asked, "There's no room!" Luke said as he popped his head out from under the covers, I chuckled and motioned for her to crawl into bed, "You were very brave today. I'm so proud of you sweetheart." I said as I kissed my daughter's cheek.

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