"Mr. Purple Bear"

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Ship: Lander

Luke and Zander layed on the couch together

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Luke and Zander layed on the couch together.

The auburn boy snuggled up against his purple haired boyfriend. There was nothing but them and the bright purple hues of the room. The comfy couch and pillows, and the uncurtained windows showing off the pale moonlight and night time clouds.

Luke giggled softly as he leaned against Zander. Zander was wearing his purple robe so Luke was feeling really warm a cozy.

"What?" Zander says. He was playing with his auburn hair, smiling a little.

"Nothing, it's just... you're just so cuddley; I can't resist you~" Luke shifts his body so that he wraps his arms onto Zander's waist. Zander was now a little stuck onto Luke's grasp, but he didn't mind. The purple hairee boy made a light, lovable smile and tilts his head. Luke leans his head to Zander's chest and relaxed.

"You're hugging me like Mr. Bear?" Zander rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around Luke in return. He leans his head onto Luke's.

Mr. Bear was Zander and Luke's favorite toy when they were little. A girl once stole it from them, but they got it back when Luke told the teachers. Zander almost started a fight with that big pig tailed girl.

"Mmm..." Luke thinks. He opens his eyes and darts his eyes over to Zander. "...yeah and I don't plan to let go of Mr. Purple bear~"

"Mr. Purple bear? Are you kidding me?" Zander chuckles. He rolls his eyes again. He got used to Luke's overly corny pick up lines. "You're so cheesy."

"I know. But, so is the author; blame her."

"Good point." Zander smiles.

There was a moment of silence when Luke interrupted it. "Y'know, I love spending time with you, Zander." He says silently. "...I would love to spend time with you like this for the rest of my life."

Zander's expression turns to surprise. His eyes widened and his cheeks blushed. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... like, I would want to marry you someday." Luke looked up at Zander with hopefully eyes. His chin resting on Zander's chest, showing just how much he loves his purple haired boyfriend.

"Luke..." Zander didn't know what to say. He held onto Luke more tighter, but he looks away in embarassment.

"I didn't say now, I said someday..." Luke giggles. Luke smirks a little. "I already have permission of your parents and you have permission of mine~"

"Luke..." Zander huffs. Why he is being so cute?! Zander says to himself. His face turns red. He gently pushes Luke. "...shut up."

"Wha...hey!" Luke laughs. Luke scoots more closer to Zander and leans his head over to his shoulder. He wraps his arms around Zander with a more tighter grip like he wasn't going to let go anytime soon. He was acting like a monkey clinging onto your foot. "Hey, I told you I'm not letting you go. You are glued around me till that clock reaches 12 so we can eat lunch somewhere or something!~"

Zander scoffs and smirks. "What if I need to use the bathroom?"

Luke raised a brow. "Well do you need to use the bathroom?"

Zander's smirk faded and he looks down. "Uhm... no...?"

Luke face lit up again. "Good. Then you are glued to me till 12~" Luke chirps. He giggles and relaxes onto Zander's shoulder. "You don't know how much I love you, hun."

Zander sighs. He leans himself onto Luke, putting his head onto Luke's. "You don't know how much I love you, too..."

And I can't wait till we get married...

I think this was supposted to be in lander month but...

...ah well 🤷‍♀️

Super corny. Super cheesy. It makes me puke ;-;

Anyway, thanks so much for reading! ^^

I'll be writing more just gotta think for inspiration as usual.


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