Zander's Weird Dream

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Ship: Lander(s)

Zander's POV:

So I had the most terrifying dream. Or... do I even want to call it terrifying? Let's just call it weird. Anyway, I had a weird dream last night!

It started after work, I layed down and Luke started tapping on my shoulder. He was wearing a purple sweater. I thought he stole mine.

"Luke?" I asked. I wasn't mad or anything, it's just that I was surprised because I was the one who steals Luke's sweaters. Maybe this was revenge from him or something. I'm not complaining, though. "Are you... stealing my sweater now?"

"No, sweetie~" Luke put his hands around my arm and leans against my shoulder. I could feel myself blushing. "This is my sweater~"

"S-Since when did you have a purple sweater?"

"Since forever sweetie~" Luke kissed my cheeks and wraps his arms around me. It was warm and comforting and... I wasn't complaining? But Luke was normally... not this clingy.

"Hey! I was supposted to cuddle up with Zander today!"

There was a familiar voice from behind us. I looked behind me and it was Luke with an orange jacket. I blinked like... WHAT?! 2 LUKE'S!

Luke with the orange jacket walked towards us and wraps his arms around me, too. Luke with the purple jacket tried to get the other Luke out of me. Does that make any sense?!

"He's mine!"

"No he's mine!"

"I was the one to cuddle up with him first!"

"Yes but you're like a monkey!" Luke with the orange jacket stuck his tougue out at the purple sweater Luke. He blew a raspberry.

"Get off of him, now!" We all turned and saw a dark red sweater Luke looking really mad. It's like he was about to punch us or something.

"Uh, no~" the purple sweater Luke pecks my cheeks. "He's mine."

"Did you just do that?" Orange sweater Luke did the same.

I could see the shadows come from red Luke's eyes. He marched towards us and pushed the purple and orange sweater Luke away from me. He touches my chin and looks at me from top to bottom. I couldn't comprehend what I was going through right now. I didn't know if I was enjoying it or not.

"Did they hurt you?" Luke with the dark red sweater says to me with a really protective tone.

Purple sweater Luke crossed his arms, then intwines his fingers on mine. He was trying to make dark red sweater Luke not see. Purple Luke gives me a wink and I turn away. I look over to see what orange Luke was doing. He gives a pouty face.

"If you guys are just gonna claim Zander then I'm gonna have to be the one to use my baby!" Orange Luke crossed his arms and hmphed. "I love you, Zander but these idiots don't get that."

"Well, I love him more!" Dark red Luke glared at him. "And don't you dare use my baby without my permission!"

"I'm the romantic one~ I'm the one who loves him more." Purple Luke argued back in a seductive tone while looking at me all lovey dovey. I tried not to look. 3 Lukes was hard enough.

I felt someone next to my legs. What the heck!? I looked down and saw a blue sweatered Luke. He looked a little sad. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

" it okay if I sit here?" He whispers.

I began freaking out. There are 4 Luke's next to me right now and they all have different personalities. What in the world is going on!?

I hear them all say my name but I couldn't say anything back. It isn't with shock that I couldn't say anything, it was like a tape was on my mouth. I couldn't open my mouth at all.




That's when I woke up.

I blinked when I saw Luke with his normal red jacket staring at me with a worried expression. I think I had a scared look on my face.

"Zander, you okay? You were mumbling something while you were sleeping." Luke says.

"Oh, I was?" I scratched my head. I cleared my throat. "D-Luke... you don't have a purple sweater right?"

Luke raised a brow and looks at me confused. "...huh? No? I mean..." he smirks. "...unless I can borrow yours?" Luke was smirking like purple sweater Luke.

I sighed of relief. So that was a dream. I leaned onto the couch. Thank God there was only 1 Luke. I was too volunerable in those moments. Hailey wasn't there to confront the Lukes.

"So... what were you dreaming about?" Luke asked.

I looked down. "There were 4..." I rummaged my hair. I couldn't help but blush at him. "...nevermind."

"...okay?" Luke scanned me from top to bottom just like what dark red Luke did in my dream. "But are you okay, though?"

"Yeah I am." I nodded.

"Good." Luke made a smile. It was the same smile that orange Luke gave me when he cuddled me in my dream. "So, would you mind if I... sit with you?"

I never answered blue jacket Luke. And since I wasn't freaked out by this Luke. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yes, you idiot."

Luke giggles and wraps his arms around me. "I'm happy you're mine~"

"I'm happy you're the only Luke." I groaned.

Luke looks at me.

I paused. "...yeah it's a long story.

Wanna hear about my dream?"

And that's where the story ends. Sorry if it was random and I AM SO FRICKING SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER TO UPDATE THIS BOOK ;-;

I couldn't come up with any fanfics whatsoever because of school. Seriously guys- school just got harder. It's not even motivation it's because of the school work piling up like a bunch of... idk- hay?

Anyway, thanks for reading! This book is gonna be really slow and I will try my very best to publish Lander month.

Rizz out ;3

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