"Controlling the Urges"

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Wassup 😎

Zander's POV:

I decided to walk by myself after Milly and I went on a shopping spree together. Her parents offered me a drive home but I decided not to accept it since downtown was near my and Hailey's apartment.

It is dark outside now. I can hear the crickets chirping from Autumn Park.

I was expecting it to be scary, but it really wasn't since I just remember me and Luke confessing in this specific spot. The leaves were falling, I was incredibly embarrassed because of the... situation that happened but I got over it.

Either way, it was worthwhile. I'm not afraid of this place.

Although, I feel like someone was watching me. I looked behind me, then forward. I couldn't see anything except for the lights that glimmered in the darkness, flickering on and off like a broken light switch that needed to be replaced.

I continued walking.

Alright, this was getting eerie. I needed to get home ASAP.

I begin walking in a more faster pace. My breath is heavy and I feel like my heart was pumping a million times per second.

This is so weird. I'm not supposted to be scared! I'm never scared. But, I just feel like something was about to happen.

I continued my pace.

All of a sudden:


I think it was a gust of wind. I thought it was a gust of wind... But it stopped. I stopped walking.

"Hello!?" I yelled. "Anybody there!? If this is some kind of prank, I-I want no part of it!"

I now regretted that I refused to take the ride from Milly.

It's okay, Zander. It's only in your imagination...


There was it again. I growled under my breath. This was getting ridiculous. There was absolutely nothing to be terrified about. I continued walking when I saw a faint silhouettes of a man in front of me.

Was it a man?

His back was faced backwards. I stopped walking. Did he need help or something?

I decided not to go towards him because he might be one of those homeless people who needed a mental break and I don't know how to control that.

His head tilts to the side.


My eyes widened. I recognize that voice. It was deep like the ocean. It was the same voice-- my boyfriend. What was he doing here?


I now walked forward. I think he was going to pick me up or something. But I stopped when he said:

"Don't come any closer..."

"What?" I scoffed under my breath. "Look, Luke if this is some kind of joke from Milly because I didn't bother to let her pick me up from down town. I want no part of it--"

"It's not a joke, Zander!"

I paused. I didn't know what to say. He sounded scared. Luke... sounded scared.

"Luke, come on, you're scaring me..."

"Yes, so please. Don't come any closer." I could hear Luke's faint breathing even when he was about 10 feet away from me.

"Could you just tell me why!?"

Unexpectedly, and all of a sudden, Luke pushed me to one of the trees...hard. My back hurt from it. He was pinning me there. I looked from above and my eyes widened when I found that his polo jacket was covered in red blood.

His teeth were clenched and my jaws dropped when I saw fangs on the corners of his teeth. It looked like he couldn't take it anymore.


No this couldn't be...

My boyfriend is...

"Zander, I need to tell you something..."

"Luke... no."

"I'm a vampire."

And there it is.

"I'm sorry... But I can't control myself. I thought I can... The urge is too strong. I thought I could keep it from you. But I just can't!" His growl scared me. I've never seen Luke this scared before. He needed help.

"It's so hard to believe. And I'm so hungry! I'm so... SO HUNGRY!"

Luke's pupils darted on my neck.

"Luke, no, no, it's okay, okay?"

"Zander, no! It's not okay! I could hurt you like I did to them. Please... run.."

"I know you can control it, Luke. I know you can... please... for me..?"

I put my hands around him. Then, he put his hands around my back. He squeezes me tight.

"I'm sorry, Zander..."

"It's okay, Luke..." I rubbed his back.

I hear his sob.

He let go of me and place his hands on my cheek. "I don't wanna hurt you. I will never hurt you...And I don't wanna hurt anyone else..."

"I know you won't. You will control it, Luke. I know you will... I know you will..."


This is just a concept though. You guys don't know how much a love vampires but if I wanna see how much I love vampires, I recommend you guys go see my amazing Instagram 😎 I post stories and stuff about me.

Thanks for reading.

Me popping out of know where... 👀

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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