Out of the Ordinary

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There was nothing new happening in the Smart household. The purple (still somehow brand new looking) couch, the old probably hundreds of years old TV that flickers every now and then, and of course Smart Beavis and Smart Butthead. Their routine is simple: Pass out, wake up on the couch, watch mindless yet amusing human activity on the TV, eat some space nachos, watch more TV, fall asleep on the couch or bed. It was really the best way to be living. Just Smart Beavis and his good ol friend Smart Butthead.

It was an odd way to live to outsiders, but for them it was just the norm.

Earth 327-Z. The land of repetitiveness.

They were separate from humans in more ways than you'd think. Intergalactic travel, huge technological advancements, personal astral powers, an increased level of thinking and vocabulary, you name it. In other words, they were superior. Original earth started primitive, the humans that run the earth now didn't even exist right away! They don't even know how to run a basic government system.

While they were superior in a governed and economical state, Smart Beavis at least could admit that the humans had it better with lifestyle at times.

See, his species of human-alien were coded to not even have emotions. While earth morphed and changed for the better from the original, advancing species had decided that emotions were useless and just caused trouble. Look what greed has led to? Fighting over mindless objects. Look what lust has led to? Ruined relationships with the ones they cared about most. Look what anger has led to? The destruction of empires. Look what freedom has led to? Wars and the deaths of millions and billions. Look what love has led to? Heartbreak and grief.

So, once Earth 327-Z was reached, their species was specially created to not have real emotions. Their government has been built around this. Their whole lifestyle has been built around this. Everyone has the same day, same job, same monotone and boring life. Eternally bound to repeat the same things.

At least humans have emotions. At least a lot of them are encouraged to feel them. Even some places there have laws saying it's wrong to speak against such freedoms. What a world!

This has always fascinated Smart Beavis and Smart Butthead. Watching the older versions of themselves on earth has brought to light a lot of things. While they were quite stupid, maybe even stupider than their alien counterparts, they were quite entertaining to watch. They did new things everyday (more or less), they were able to actually do whatever they wanted. The amazing stories they've told from when they were kids, it was incredible. They were quite the wild bunch. Smart Beavis and Smart Butthead couldn't have even dreamed of doing what they did almost on the daily.

In their earth, everyone had the same job: Observe different universes. there are so many of them; there's beyond billions of other galaxies to gain information about. Most other galaxies lived in relative harmony, but their earth was more so on the flawed side. The only reason the supreme leaders wanted everyone to explore different universes was to gain information. Not to use it for educational purposes or anything like that, it was just to make their version of earth look better, hopefully to become the best in the galaxy out there.

It was actually meant to be a secret that other versions of earth existed before this one.

Smart Beavis and Smart Butthead found that out the hard way.

In their...confusion, let's call it, they managed to malfunction their observing projector that let them see into other galaxies. And in there progressively worse confusion they managed to get by a galactic firewall. This let them see into the past, and even better, the past of their own planets. They spent the whole day counting backwards from their earth to previous ones.

It was amazing to see how things had changed. Some earths were much better than others.

Eventually, they reached original earth and it's other branches of timelines.

That was their favorite earth.

They studied the original humans of themselves. As teens first. Quite fascinating. Eventually they watched them grow up together, never seeming to change. And in that earth, that was a good thing.

They reached middle-aged Beavis and Butthead. Boy, Smart Beavis and Smart Butthead were obsessed with them from the start. They watched their every move. They even made recordings of moments from their lives to remember later.

The Supreme Leaders found out one day.

They were MAD. It was of course not the first time they had seen the leaders though.

They have a looooong history of getting into trouble. Here's a little secret: They hate living the norm. Everyone else is content and goes along with it. What fun is their existence then? Why not rebel sometimes, use the observing projector for better things? Why not escape their world sometimes without permission to just see what's out there for themselves?

Yeah, well, none of that is tolerated in this earth. It's quite shocking they haven't been terminated yet. Granted, they have been sentenced to it many a time, they just manage to escape every time. Dumb luck or brains (they believe the latter), they are still alive.

Anyways, when they were summoned for watching middle-aged Beavis and Butthead for the first time, they got a very long and intense lecture, also something about getting terminated if anyone else found out. They got a cool contract they had to sign. Supreme Leader Van Driessen was pretty nice about it, he said that they won't get terminated as long as they observe the original earth by themselves. Not like they'd want anyone else to know anyways, no one but them could comprehend their alternate selves. You have to be a special kind of smart for that.

Point is, middle-aged Beavis and Butthead have cost them many trips to the supreme leaders. But that was a big reason why they watched their earth versions. They got to do something different.

One day though, they observed the 2 of them getting married. Of course, Smart Butthead had to do some digging. Apparently it's a tradition where one human promises to live and be dedicated to another human for the rest of their short lives. It was cute, really.

Smart Beavis really liked that idea. The concept of human love behind it made it all the more exciting.

It's been kinda weird for Smart Beavis ever since that day. He's been noticing some changes. Life was normal and the same, but now he's been feeling more things. He feels...different around Smart Butthead now. He can't pinpoint why though. Nothing has changed in their routine and nothing drastic has happened between them.

Knowledge has a habit of making you more aware of what you used to do.

Smart Beavis enjoys Smart Butthead more. He used to be able to watch Smart Butthead order space nachos for him and not feel all warm and grateful for the small gesture. He used to be able to look at Smart Butthead sleeping and not wonder if he'd enjoy Smart Beavis' company in it. He used to be able to listen to Smart Butthead perfect his 's' sounds to get rid of his lisp without feeling bad that he wanted to change himself to be like Smart Beavis.

This was weird, to say the least.

It took Smart Beavis a few months but eventually he figured it out: he loved Smart Butthead. Loved him a whole lot. He tied it back to the whole marriage thing. Humans do it because they love each other. Smart Beavis loves Smart Butthead. And he wants to spend the rest of his life with Smart Butthead.

It greatly troubled him though. Their species is emotionless. Why has he been gaining these feelings so suddenly? It's coded into them to not feel these things.

It wasn't a mistake though. It couldn't be. What Smart Beavis is feeling has to be real.

As he sits on the couch, stealing a couple glances of Smart Butthead, he realizes he needs to do something about what he's feeling.

He can understand why humans wouldn't want to say anything about their feelings to another human, but Smart Beavis is pretty sure he has nothing to lose.

He really wants Smart Butthead to feel the same way.

"Smart Butthead?" He turned his head to him.

"Yes, Smart Beavis?" Smart Butthead responded.

"It appears we have been stuck in our house all day with nothing interesting to do. Would you like to start an activity with me?"

"I propose we observe middle-aged Beavis and Butthead."

"Did I not tell you that the projector is broken?" Smart Beavis lied. It's not like they ever go outside just for the hell of it, it was neither of their go-tos.

"Hmm. You did not. Is it repairable?" Smart Butthead asked.

"Yes, but it will take quite some time." He lied again.

"What happened to it?"

"That is not a question of importance. Are you feeling the need to eat as well as I?"

"Smart Beavis, we just ate 2.3 hours ago."

"The walk to the nacho stand will make you hunger again. Come, let us go." He stood up from the couch.

Smart Beavis stood, waiting for Smart Butthead to stand up as well.

Eventually he got up and Smart Beavis led him to the door.

Just do the things middle-aged Beavis and Butthead do. That's all. It's as easy as that. Can't be that hard, can it? After all, their middle-aged counterparts are the peak of their puny existences, and they seemed a lot happier than Smart Beavis and Smart Butthead.

Do things out of the ordinary. Show Smart Butthead the things Smart Beavis has been feeling.

It will be fine.


when ur lifelong best friend is not only your gay awakening but also ur emotional awakening.  wild shit man

Word Count: 1,653

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