FIRE !!!

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Lucky for Smart Beavis, it was a pretty nice day out. Sun was blazing, and no one trying to take them away to the Supreme Leaders; the conditions looked pretty good.

Back there though, Smart Beavis lied again. He wasn't actually hungry. He just couldn't think of how to convince Smart Butthead to get out of the house. Food was one of their top priorities, y'know.

Smart Beavis was feeling another weird thing - it was this weird pain in his stomach that persisted - it didn't feel nice.

That and not knowing where to take Smart Butthead now was lingering on his mind.

They weren't too far away from the space nacho stand now, and they hadn't said a word to each other the whole way there, which was not normal.

Was Smart Butthead secretly upset that Smart Beavis had taken him out of the house? What if he really didn't want to go? The whole thing would never work out then.

They stepped off the skywalk, Smart Beavis almost falling from being stuck in his thoughts.

He had to think of something, and fast.

Obviously there was nothing interesting around though. They've seen it all, they've done it all already. Everything's the same color and everything's structured the same. He was dozing off just looking at it all. Even the people all looked the same. No one was allowed to wear different materials of clothes, and they all had to be formatted the same way. The only way to differentiate yourself is by wearing different colors. This species of alien-human, however, are able to see far more colors than regular humans can comprehend, so it wasn't too hard of a challenge to do that at least. The 2 of them couldn't tell you how many times they've lost each other in the crowds from how similar everyone looks.

They stopped at an intersection. This whole flying cars thing was really a pain. At least on original earth you could get away with j-walking. The cars speed by so fast here you'd be sliced into pieces in an instant. Funny enough, though, no one cared to guide the traffic at any time, so it was all the more dangerous.

"Smart Beavis, observe!" Smart Butthead spoke up, pointing across the intersection.

A large flashing billboard was promoting a concert to watch over TV that night. They both couldn't tell which one though.

"Let us walk closer so we can see better." Smart Butthead suggested.

Smart Beavis was about to object, but Smart Butthead was already 2 feet outside of the rushing cars.

Smart Beavis had mixed feelings about how Butthead never observed his surroundings first. This time, it was rather annoying.

They've attempted to j-walk before, but it usually ended up in a hospital. Smart Beavis did not want his whole plan to go down the drain because of Smart Butthead right now.

"Smart Butthead," Smart Beavis called after him, "it was not very intelligent of you to do that!" He grimaced as Butthead dodged cars. Smart Beavis jogged after him.

He could see Smart Butthead in blurs, but he never got the chance to really think about what he was doing. Living was of importance right now.

Smart Beavis was bending his body in ways he never thought he could to avoid the cars. He never had the time to crouch down and crawl under all the cars.

Meanwhile, Smart Butthead had made it safely across, not even aware of all the horns that were blaring at him the whole way through. He was just walking, for stars' sake, can't these people learn to wait for the pedestrian?

He caught a glimpse of the same screen projected onto a nearby store window. He walked up to it and started reading it.

"See Cateux live tonight...broadcasted on...hmm. How idiotic. They are possibly the worst band in existence."

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