Us and the Stars

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It was hard to see where he was walking, but he managed. With Smart Butthead holding his hand tight, Smart Beavis was sure he'd be guided safely.

To think that this morning, everything was different from now. Smart Beavis would've never thought he'd be seeing Smart Butthead smile and be so happy. He would've never thought he'd be going to so many places in one day; all things they enjoyed with no repercussions. He would've never even thought he'd be outside all day. And now they're holding hands? It was incredible.

This all may actually work out the way Smart Beavis wanted it to! He thought this was impossible to pull off, but Smart Butthead was making it so easy for him. Maybe - just maybe - Smart Butthead was feeling what Smart Beavis was feeling. It made sense!

Smart Beavis glanced at what he could see of his surroundings. It looked like they were going out of their city limits again, the light of the buildings getting smaller behind him, silence becoming more prominent. It was nice.

Smart Beavis saw more trees appear and pass him. Smart Butthead knew just where to take him to top it all off, it was obvious.

Smart Beavis quietly sighed, content. He was still surprised at himself with his confidence today. He was honestly even more surprised with Smart Butthead's mood today. He had never really seen Smart Butthead like this before. Smiling, talkative, confident. And it was all because of Smart Beavis? Boy, he sure does feel special.

Maybe this will be a new beginning for them. Of course, if Smart Beavis can say what he's been meaning to say for years. Even so, tonight was a spectacular night. It changed both of them in one way or another. For the better.

As they continued to walk in comfortable silence, Smart Beavis started to notice his surroundings becoming unfamiliar. There weren't as many trees anymore, the grass was disappearing, and everything felt kind of empty.

Smart Beavis turned to Smart Butthead. "Smart Butthead, are you positive this is a safe place to walk in?"

Smart Butthead kept looking ahead of him, but still had a calm voice. "I am, Smart Beavis. Do not worry. You will realize this is a familiar spot soon enough."

Smart Beavis raised an eyebrow, but decided to leave it at that. He trusted Smart Butthead. He gripped his hand tighter, happy to feel Smart Butthead grip back.

Everything was empty now. No grass, no trees. The ground was all concrete. It almost didn't feel real.

Eventually, they came upon a building. Even from how far away they were, Smart Beavis knew it was a particularly large building.

They got closer and closer, until its silhouette took up most of their vision.

Its shape did feel familiar. Almost as if, Smart Beavis had been here before.

They stopped a good distance in front of it. Smart Butthead turned to Smart Beavis again, awaiting his reaction.

Smart Beavis just stared up though, still trying to place a finger on how he knew this place.

Smart Butthead could tell, so he tried to give him a hint. "This is the building where we took samples of the farthest star in our galaxy."

And it clicked.

Smart Beavis spun around to face Smart Butthead. "This is the observatory? You mean...from all those years ago?"

Smart Butthead nodded, smiling once more. "Indeed! It has been quite some time since we felt the need to come back here. This moment felt right again."

Smart Beavis felt something again, like he needed to scream. Not because of danger, but just because he was...feeling better than just good.

"This is incredible, Smart Butthead!" Smart Beavis exclaimed. "Come! Let us go inside! There is no time to be wasted!" He excitedly pulled Smart Butthead along as he walked rather fast towards the building's entrance.

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