Believe Me Darling, the Stars Were Made for Falling

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(Title inspired by lyrics of the song "Dream Sweet in Sea Major")

The surroundings on the walk back seemed darker.  Everything felt a bit darker now.  

Smart Beavis was once again lost in his thoughts.  It shouldn't even be that big of a deal, was perfect!  The perfect opportunity!

Smart Beavis' courage had since been lost.  It was incredibly disappointing.

Soon enough, the trees had appeared again, and they were walking back on the sidewalk through their local park.

Smart Beavis glanced down to look at their hands.  Still the same.  How long has it been?  Hours, certainly.  He was starting to not be able to feel Smart Butthead's hand in his anymore.  He began caressing it again, as he found that the movement gives him comfort.

The silence was killing Smart Beavis.  He had so much he wanted to say, but it just wasn't the right time anymore.  It had to be perfect.  Otherwise Smart Butthead might or something.

Houses began appearing after more minutes passed.

"Smart Beavis."

Smart Beavis snapped out of his thoughts and looked up.

"I do not believe I have said...thank you for today's events." Smart Butthead said.

Smart Beavis kept his eyes on Smart Butthead.  This was new.

"Forgive me for not saying this more often in the past, but I believe today was too incredible to go without thanking you."  He offered a smile after that.

Smart Beavis' heart skipped a beat, which he recently just put together that happens because of Smart Butthead.  Before he could speak, Smart Butthead continued.

"I did not think it was possible for us to experience so many wonders in one day.  I am unsure of how you were capable of preparing such a day to go so well, but I am pleased it has worked out as well as it did.  I am quite fortunate to have someone like you who knows me so well."

Smart Beavis couldn't help but smile.  He was not used to hearing Smart Butthead say things like this, but it sure was refreshing to listen to.  It was crazy how Smart Beavis felt like he did something great today.  

Maybe things won't be so bad just as friends.  Today has clearly changed them both, and maybe they can get closer in the way Smart Beavis wanted to.  Just...not close enough to be exactly what he wanted.

In the end, all that really mattered was that Smart Beavis always had Smart Butthead in his life.  Confession or not, marriage or not, they will still be together until the end of time.

"It is not an issue at all, Smart Butthead." Smart Beavis responded.  "I myself did not expect this day to go so well either, in all honestly."

"I really mean what I say when I say that I am fortunate to have you."  Smart Butthead said, his tone more serious to get his point across.  "I now have the lava gun I have wanted for so long, I have gotten to give you a tour of that aquarium and teach you everything I know, and...we even lived like we were children again.  I do not think anyone else could ever compare to you, Smart Beavis."  He had to look away from Smart Beavis' stare, a bit embarrassed he said all that out loud.

Smart Beavis was speechless.  He was able to think of something soon enough though.

"That is...nice to know.  I myself have felt very pleased with today's event as well!  I enjoyed what you showed me today, and what I have learned from you.  You are...quite knowledgeable in many ways.  I think I..."  Smart Beavis thought about speaking of the things he felt, but he decided against it.  In case Smart Butthead didn't know what he was talking about.  It might ruin everything tonight anyways.  "Nevermind.  I enjoyed our time today."

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