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The high pitched "ping" of your pager echoes through the empty break room. Letting out a groan, you sink to the floor. Would you ever be able to catch a break these days? Life as a surgeon seemed non-stop, limitless, and all-consuming. Every day brought on the thrill of exciting new cases and saving lives, but you found yourself missing those quiet moments that brought stability and security in your life. The moments that helped show you that you had a home and a life to go back to. Which is why today, of all days, was so important.

You hear the soft click of the door unlocking behind you as footsteps tap on the tile floor.

"Are you ready to go?" a deep voice asks. Turning around, you're met with a sight for sore eyes: Namjoon in a perfectly pressed midnight blue suit and tie, hair gelled back, dimples popping as he greets you with a smile. He holds out your coat and outfit towards you.

You look towards him listlessly, sadness filling your eyes.

"I just got a page right now, that patient we saw before needs to go back into surgery," you sigh, showing him the blinking red light.

"I know," Namjoon reaches out a hand to rest on your slumped shoulders. "The CT showed a re-bleed. I'll page Yoongi and ask him to take care of it."

"Oh no, really? You should go back in and check then," you respond, gently pushing him towards the door.

"I would, but then I have to go check in on Jungkook's mother after she had that terrible fall. He says he doesn't trust anyone but me to take care of her. Maybe we can both do that together and then go to city hall," he explains softly.

"No," you groan. "Because then we have the board meeting afterwards for the hospital. You know Taehyung is going to chew our heads off if we're not there to protect him from the wrath of his parents and the entire board of trustees."

Running through the various ways to tackle the situation at hand, you resign yourself to another chaotic day on the job.

"How about," you respond, thoughts running at the speed of light, "we tell the nurses and the team to prep the patient, we'll run to city hall and do it once we come back."

"___," Namjoon begins, but you press a finger to his lips to cut him off.

"There's no time, Namjoon," you shush. "We have to get moving. We'll go to city hall, come back, you'll check on Jungkook's mom, I'll go hype up Taehyung and tell him that he's going to be the next head of pediatric surgery, no matter what his parents say, and then we'll tackle the patient-"

"___," Namjoon grips you by the shoulders. "We can always do this some other day."

"There is no other day!" you yell exasperatedly, waving your hands in the air. "Every day is like this. I love you, and I do want to marry you today, but there is no time."

Namjoon catches your wrist in the air, enclosing his large palm over your own. He takes a step towards you, bringing his other hand to rest on your cheek.

"___," he says, his deep voice rumbling gently. "Can you find me a piece of paper?"

"Namjoon," you groan, frustrated that he's not taking this as seriously as you are. There's no time for these antics, the two of you had countless surgeries and follow-ups waiting on your schedule. "For what?"

"We made a promise that we wanted to commit the rest of our lives to each other. To do that, we need to makes vows to each other. Marriage is a commitment, and it's a contract. Who says we need to be somewhere specific to sign it together?"

You roll your eyes at how stark and serious he seems to be in this moment. This is far from even the modest city hall wedding the two of you had managed to squeeze into your busy schedules. Reaching into the pocket of your white coat, you rustle around the pens and highlighters and gum wrappers to find a stack of Post-It notes. The soft, happy glint in his eyes manages to bring a small smile to your face.

Namjoon lets out an exhausted groan as he slumps back into one of the plastic chairs, dragging you into his lap with him.

"Ok," he breathes softly, taking the Post-Its from your hand. "Now let's make our promises."

Taking the pen from your pocket, your messy scrawl adorns the Post-It as you read aloud your words.

"Promise that we'll always love each other, even when we hate each other. No running, no walking out on each other. That we'll take care of each other, even if one of us becomes old and senile, and has to spend their life on a hospital bed."

Namjoon's eyes fill with tears as he listens to you speak the words aloud, smiling as you don't even notice that your voice begins to crack when you make this covenant. Reaching out, he brushes the frizzy strands of hair that have fallen loose from your hairstyle out of your face.

"My turn," he whispers, taking the pen from your hands, and turning over to a new Post-It as he hands you yours.

He quickly scrawls two words on the Post-It, the black Hangul lettering causing you to raise your eyebrows at what he could possibly mean.

"___," he chokes out, eyes becoming misty. "You make I to an O, you make live to a love. In Korean, 사람 (saram) is the word for person, and 사랑 (sarang), is the word for love. You were the person that taught me how to love. I live so I can love you today, and every day we've had before, and every day we'll have after. I'm a surgeon: I stitch bodies together and take them apart, I hold people's heart in my hands. And today, I promise to give you my heart, and lay it in your palms. You're my person."

"This is forever," he finishes, signing his name at the bottom the post it and holding it out to you.

"This is it then, huh?" you smile, scribbling your name next to his. "A wedding on a Post-It?"

"And now, I can kiss you," Namjoon's palms cup your jaw, leaning in as your lips meet, and pure euphoria floods your veins at the thought that this brilliant man is finally yours.

Namjoon lovingly sticks both Post-Its into your respective cubbies, just in time for the loud knocking on the door of the break room to cause the both of you to jolt.

"Namjoon! ___!" Yoongi's gruff voice calls out. "Where have the two of you been?"

Namjoon creaks open the door, slipping on his white coat over his suit as he ushers you outside.

Yoongi's face is stern, but his eyes sparkle with mirth at the discovery of catching you both alone in there.

Giving Yoongi a wink, Namjoon slips an arm around your waist and leads you away, making sure to turn back and tell his older colleague:

"That's Dr. and Dr. Kim to you now, Dr. Min."

The Dis-Ease Files (OT7 x Reader Drabble Series)Where stories live. Discover now