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Glancing over the last patient case before he pins it up on the wall, Seokjin steps back and takes a look at his handiwork. The tapping of his foot echoes in his ears as his leg bounces anxiously. The lunch break was almost over.

After seeing you for the facial reconstruction post-trauma, he hadn't managed to catch sight of you for the rest of the morning. He didn't have much time left before the afternoon rolled in and more cases, consults, and surgeries started to pile up. His hands were full, but every day was like that. And he'd put this off for long enough.

Reaching into the pocket of his coat, he manages to procure his pager. There was no time to waste. Silently mumbling an apology to you in the back of his mind, he presses the button.

Moments later, he hears the squeak of your brand-new sneakers quickly making their way down the hallway. Smiling to himself, he remembers how he'd finally convinced you to get a new pair after wearing through the well-loved ones that you'd had since the very first day you met him, many years ago.

Catching your breath, you stumble to a stop in front of the elevators. Dr. Kim (calling him Seokjin was inappropriate since he was your superior, you reminded yourself) had sent you a surprise page during your lunch break.

As sad as you had been to throw away your hand-crafted specialty sandwich from the hospital cafeteria, you knew that he wouldn't have paged you unless it was something important.

As you make your way to press the "up" button, a large shadow suddenly obscures your path. Namjoon, or the other Dr. Kim, raises his arms outwards like a vulture, stopping you with his impressive wingspan before you can call the elevator.

"Wait," he says, a nervous tinge to his voice. "You can't take that elevator."

"Why not?" you ask, raising your eyebrows. He was acting really weird.

Puffing his chest out and clearing his throat, he decrees: "Because I said so."

Rolling your eyes, you step around him, arm reaching for the button, but he steps right with you, blocking your way again. The two of you engage in a stand-off, stepping back and forth with each other until you realize that you're at an impasse. He won't let you through. Sighing, you give him a little wave and make your way to the adjacent set of elevators down the hall.

Pressing the button, you hear the ding of the elevator as it stops on your floor. Looking back at Namjoon a few metres away, you lock eyes with him in a glare but are met with nothing but a smirk as he tips his head, provoking you to step into the other elevator.

Stepping inside, you keep your head down and let out a groan. Dr. Kim was going to be so pissed if you didn't make it on time to respond to his page, not to mention that both of you had patients after lunch.

Lifting your head up, you gasp as you take in your surroundings. Papers everywhere. CT scans, Post-Its, presentation notes, case files, greeted you from all four walls of the elevator. And there, standing in the middle, was him.

"Dr. Kim," you breathe, lost for words. "I-"

"Please ___," he responds. "Call me Seokjin. You know we've known each other too long for the formalities."

Extending his arm, he directs your attention to one of the pictures on the wall.

"An ultrasound," he explains. "52 y/o female patient, came in for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy. I told her we'd be able to fix her up real good with some double Ds, and that was the moment she put her trust in me."

"She'd bought a dress for her daughter's wedding," you recall, the memory causing you to light up from the inside out. Seokjin's ability to connect with patients never ceased to amaze you. "All she wanted was to be able to wear it and to feel good."

"One of the first surgeries we ever scrubbed in on together," he takes your hand, face lighting up in fondness.

With your hand in his, he shows you another image on the wall.

"Axial CT for a 22 y/o male, presenting for a septoplasty. A routine procedure, but do you know why it was special to me? That day, after the surgery, after we both clocked out for the day, I asked you to get breakfast with me. It was 10 o'clock at night, but neither of us had eaten breakfast, and so, we did what any self-respecting medical professionals would do. We went to IHOP."

"That was the day we became friends," you grin. "All the nurses on our service would always talk about smart, handsome, Dr. Kim with the funny jokes. And right there, in that IHOP, I witnessed it firsthand."

You notice the tips of his ears becoming red, and he coughs into his hand at the mention of the word "handsome". Standing up straight again, he points you to another image on the wall.

"MRI. 10-month-old baby, presenting for a cleft palate repair. Seems easy enough, right? But it was one of the most difficult surgeries I'd ever done. I'd lost my grandmother two nights before and couldn't seem to do anything without my hands shaking. But you? You held the clamp for me the entire time, through however many hours it took. You stayed with me the whole time, and you showed me that no matter how much loss I went through on a daily basis, that I could always pick myself back up again. That was the moment I knew I needed you."

By this point, your eyes are full of tears as he walks you through the moments that have defined your friendship. How the two of you, the surgeon and his favorite nurse, have been thick as thieves through countless surgeries, changing countless lives. What you hadn't realized in the process though, was that you were both changing yours too.

"___," Seokjin reaches gently to clasp both your hands in his. "I know I've always been the guy that makes the funny jokes, or keeps it light in the OR, but with every minute we've spent together inside, or with every conversation we've had outside of it, you and I both know that there's more than meets the eye to every patient. So here's my case, and I'm presenting it to you now. I've stopped myself from doing this way too many times to count because I asked too many questions. That's why I'm saying this, even if this messes up everything along the way, even if the outcome is undesirable, I can at least say I tried."

"I'm in love with you, ____. " he chokes, squeezing your hands gently. "Please be mine."

Trying not to let the tears escape, you throw your arms around him, crushing his broad frame against your body as you squeeze him in a hug.

"I love you too Seokjin," you whisper. "I always have."

Breathing heavily, the two of you separate for a brief moment, your lips parting as his warm eyes look down at you. Pulling you back in, Seokjin leans over, nose bumping against yours as he lets out a breathy chuckle, before claiming your lips with his own.

Lost in the feeling of finally kissing the man you've dreamed of being with for so long, the two of you fail to notice the ding of the elevator as it rises up. Stopping on the fifth floor, the two of you jolt as the doors open and you're met with the smug face of the one and only, Dr. Kim Namjoon, as he takes in the sight of you both.

"Bet you're glad I told you to take that elevator, aren't you now, ___?" he quips with a wink.

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