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"Are you sure you don't need me to come in today?" Yoongi's voice wobbles, concern lacing his tone. He taps his foot anxiously as he looks over his home office, papers strewn about from different research articles he'd been working on. "I could follow up on that patient case we're using for the joint study."

Hoseok's laugh echoes from the other side of the call, and Yoongi can almost feel his smile at the other end, mocking him and his perpetual state of stress and need to constantly be at the hospital.

"Yoongi, HYBE isn't going to collapse after one day without its most brilliant neurosurgeon. We'll be fine here. Just enjoy your day off with your wife. Gotta go, I'll talk to you later!"

Yoongi doesn't even get a chance to say anything as the line shuts off, leaving him in silence once more. His foot hasn't stopped bouncing, and he chews on his bottom lip anxiously as the reason for his nerves comes to mind.

You. His wife. A brilliant doctor in your own right, you'd been engrossed in your studies to become a board-certified dermatologist over the past few months, all while taking care of your own patients. Yoongi couldn't even remember the last time he'd seen you in something other than scrubs or pyjamas.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen you come out of your own office, hunched over the computer all day looking over notes when you got home. The two of you had even stopped running into each other in the hospital cafeteria, your once-a-week lunch dates a distant thing of the past.

His eyes mist as he thinks back on the memory of the first time you met: him, just promoted to neurosurgery attending, and you, a bright-eyed 1st year resident, both caught under the mistletoe at the annual hospital Christmas party. Instead of leaning in for a kiss, you'd picked his brain, blowing him out of the water with your knowledge. A little over a year later, he'd finally gotten his revenge, making a joke about the kiss you stole from him as he pressed his lips to yours in front of all your loved ones in the orchestra hall you'd gotten married in.

Cut to now, when the two of you were little more than glorified roommates. Life at the hospital was always full of ups and downs, so when had life between the two of you become so mundane?


Slamming the door to the bathroom shut, you sink down onto the floor, your body overcome with sobs. Your brain was absolutely exhausted, and you couldn't take looking at your notes for a second longer. Months of your life had been given away to studying for your board exam, months you'd gone without seeing Yoongi, touching him, holding him.

Yoongi had always been so patient and gentle with you - the calm candle to your crackling fireplace, always excusing himself to let you study, and never bothering you when you came home from seeing patients and needed to focus. At first, you'd relished how thoughtful and attentive his gestures seemed, but over time, they started to feel cold. Almost like he didn't want to be around you, like he didn't want to cuddle on the couch and watch movies, like he didn't want to kiss every single inch of your body as the two of you rolled around in the satin sheets of your bed.

The two of you had resigned yourself to never seeing each other at the hospital anymore, your busy schedules never seeming to line up. Until last Thursday. You'd finally finished up early in the morning, heading over to the Neuro department to seek out Yoongi. But as you stepped out of the elevator, you saw him - with her.

Kim Do-Yeon. Second-year neurology resident. While not a surgeon herself, she'd always tagged behind Yoongi, pressing him for info about his research and cases. Just like you had. Bile rose up in your throat as you saw Yoongi give her one of his huge gummy smiles and a laugh.

"Let's go to the cafeteria, we can talk more there," his voice rings out, and you realize they're headed straight for the elevators. Ducking your head, you hold back tears as you brush past them, Yoongi not even taking his eyes off Do-Yeon to notice your presence. Jogging down the end of the corridor towards the abandoned stairwell, you spend the lunch hour hunched over. You'd called out sick for the rest of the day.

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